Part 37: Piles of Files

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Thank you everyone for voting and commenting, I read every single comment and they're hilarious and lovely so thank you again!

Also! With a bit of jumping back and forth, as of today we hit #46 in teen fiction! I'm so happy and I can't thank you all enough!

Here's another chapter and I hope you enjoy! Xx

Dad wasn't pretending when he said that he could find something for Mason to do. By the next morning dad had sent down three boxes full of paperwork for Mason to go through.

As the deliverymen brought the boxes in, the first one was adorned with a pink slip of paper bag read:
"Dear Mason,
I want to personally thank you for agreeing to help me out by going through this paperwork that has been lying around the office for quite some time - you are therefore going to be kept very busy for the next few months. At the moment, there is no real deadline for these to be done so take your time.
Thank you,
CEO Anderson"

Inside each box were files upon files of business records in no chronological order or collection. Even I was stressed at the prospect of sorting all this out and had to remind myself that the busier Mason felt, the better he would feel about the sum that entered his account at the end of each month.

"Is it too late to decline?" Asked Mason, gawking at the boxes that now sat in the living room of our apartment.

I softly punched his arm with a laugh as we watched the deliverymen close the door behind them.
"Well," I said, patting his shoulder and walking over to the bench to pick up my purse. "I'll see you in five hours."

"What?" He demanded joining me and snatching my purse away. "You can't leave me, It'll take me years to organise this by myself." He held my purse high in the air causing me to jump and when that didn't work, stepped on his foot, prodded his stomach - which really didn't work, believe me - and attempted to stick my fingers up his nose.

"You signed up for this it's not my problem and I want to see Mel." He sighed a defeated humph and gave me my bag. Taking the opportunity I ran towards the door.

"Have fun, call me, don't cry, I love you!" I called as I slammed the door behind me and chuckled to myself as I made my way down to the garage.

The blizzard of the past two weeks had settled down and now, the streets were full of slush on the footpaths and the roads were relatively okay to drive on thanks to the council salting them.

Parking on the street out the front of Mel's apartment I ran in quickly to the building, skidding slightly on the footpath earning a laugh from a passer by.

"Far-out, it's cold." I said as I closed the door behind me but I was met with a collective laugh from Cameron and Mel and another voice I didn't know.

"Well, it'll be helpful having a doctor living in the building, what with this bad flu season and all." Said Mel, and as I turned around I saw three of them sitting on the couch and arm chairs.
Mel. Cameron. Dr Ross.


His face lit up when he saw me and he rose from his chair to greet me in such a gentlemanly manner.

"Ashley, good to see you again." He extended his hand towards me and I accepted it gingerly.

"Oh... so you've already met then..." said Mel awkwardly, her eyes watching me carefully before she exchanged a questioning look with Cameron.

"Yeah, I suppose." I laughed shortly and noticed that he was holding my hand a little longer than needed be to which I dropped as though it was scolding hot.

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