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Turned (Vampire/Mystery)

"Blaine stop, please." Kurt cried as he laid on the bed, gripping at the pale green blanket as Blaine came closer to Kurt's neck.

"Please, Blaine I'm begging you.." Kurt whispered as more tears came down in his face, his hands grasping tighter onto the blanket.

Blaine's head came upwards, looking at Kurt with a sad, sorry and regretful look. His eyes were a dark red, and fangs with dripping blood were showing.

"I'm s-so sorry, Kurt.." he stammered beginning to cry as Kurt's eyes slowly closed fully, as he laid in a pool of his own blood.

Blaine briskly got up, staring wide eyed as he realized what he'd done. He eyed the golden ring on Kurt's ring finger, on his right hand.

"No, no.. I can't-No, oh my god.." Blaine muttered as tears began to find a way down his face, he backed away from Kurt's body on the bed.


In a split second Blaine's phone rang as he sat there in a comfy chair, simply staring at Kurt's body in tears, his fangs and red eyes gone by then.

"Hello?" he weakly said into the phone, as he looked to the floor, then back to Kurt's neck.

"Hey Blaine, are you okay? I was just checking to make sure that Kurt was with you, since he isn't answering his phone and no one else is with him." Rachel worried voice explained, as Blaine began to sob more.

"I'm so sorry Rachel.. I-I.."

"Blaine, what happened?"

"He was just making me s-so angry and, I-I hurt him, and he ple-pleaded me not to but, I-I hurt him."

"Oh my god, Blaine, what!? Where are you Blaine?" Rachel exclaimed into the phone, but Blaine wasn't on the other end of the line anymore.

He got up swiftly, going towards the bed Kurt was on, he laid his head onto Kurt's body peering up to the sky.

"I can't wait to marry you, Kurt." he whispered faintly, biting down on his lip deeply.

All of a sudden, Kurt sat up straight, gasping for air as he looked around frantically.

"Wh-What happen-" he began, but that's when Blaine told him the most horrible thing.

"You're a vampire now."

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