Monday at school Nirvana's POV

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Angela woke me up early this morning. She had put some tiny curlers in my hair so this morning she took them out. She did my makeup and glued my eyelashes back on. Surprisingly, her hair and makeup was already done, and she was fully dressed, jewelry and all.

"What time isdid you get up?"

"Five in the morning."


"Yeah." She said. She was looking in my closet for something to wear for me.

"But why?"

"Because, I wear contacts remember?"

"Oh yeah, that's right." I yawned.

"Here wear this." She said. She picked out my cropped Nirvana shirt, some high waisted shirts and timberlands with some black and yellow tube socks.

"Where's my undershirt?"

"Nirvana quit worrying. Those shorts will cover most of your stomach." I gave her the look.

"Just try it on, if you don't like it, I'll pick something else."

"And what happens if we're late to school?"

"Then we'll just be late. Look, you're already causin problems be standing here arguing with me! Just put the damn outfit on so we can go." She said leaving my room. I got dressed without saying another word. When I was done, I went downstairs agela handed me a bagle with creme cheese.

"See! Now that you're dressed we'll get to school on time," She said. When we got in the car angela decided that she was going to give me a lecture about how much attention I was going to get and how I should deal with it.

"See, with you, it'll be easy. You don't speak to anyone on a regular basis. So just keep doing that. If you see a guy tryna talk to you and he ain't cute, keep it movin and don't say a word." She said.

"But what if they are cute? What if I do like them?"

"Play hard to get because I can see that you're gonna need some flirting tips." She said.

"So who do you like?" She asked.


"Girl don't play dumb with me, I'm your sister, you can tell me." She said. It's not like I didn't have a crush on anyone, cuz I did. The thing was, he's everybodies crush. Something inside me  kept telling me not to tell her, but since she's my sister, I did.

"Come on Nirvana, tell me."

"Alright, alright. It's Issa." I said.

"Oh so you do have good taste?" She joked.

"You do know that he's every girl's dream right?"

"He's not yours is he?"

"What? Child please! Me and Trevor been kickin it for a good while now. He paid for my nails last week, finally. So I think he's a keeper. For now at least." She said flipping her hair. I don't know what's wrong with her. If I had a boyfriend, I sure would wanna keep him forever, instead of using him for material things. But I also know that if I had a boyfriend, he would treat me right instead of using me for sex. I'm not stupid, I know Angela did it with him for that manicure. I'm not gon sit here and judge her about it cuz the girl has some serious issues. All I'm saying is, there's no type of excuse for you to act loose and drop it like it's hot on every dude who got money. I didn't say anything else for the rest of the car ride, but Angela was definitely right. When I got to my first period class, everyone wouldn't stop staring at me. I felt so awkward so I just stared at my hands under my desk. There was a substitute and of course whenever you have subs, they always take roll even though the origional teacher never does.

"Nirvana Jones." He called out. at first I didn't say anything because I figured he;d just mark me as absent. But thanks to Angela for picking my outfit, my shirt gave it away.

"You must be Nirvana?" He said. Lucky me, now half the class knows my name.

"Yup." I said quietly.

"Awesome name, I love that band." Said the sub.

"Thanks." I said. After first period. somehow people recognized me as the "New girl" in school. By the time third period came around two boys had agrued about who was going to carry my books for me, I'd been asked out by four guys, and all of a sudden I was some foriegn exchange student from Puerto Rico. I mean seriously! I'm half dominican. People need to get with the progam, us Latina women hate to get mixed in with each other! So, it turns out that Ang was right. This new look was getting me unwanted attention. If I only knew what was coming my way next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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