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hi um this is trash bc i'm not feeling well but i hope yall hate me


youngjae stood outside the cafe he and jaebum were in that morning. he couldn't go inside because it was closed, seeing as it was late at night. he had texted jaebum in the afternoon, but the older boy said he couldn't make it right away, and that he would be able to meet the small boy later. youngjae had spent the afternoon and beginning of the evening with bambam. the thai boy then went home and youngjae walked to the cafe. he arrived at around 6pm, but jaebum again told him he wouldn't be able to meet him till later. the younger didn't want to walk home just to return, so he went inside the shop, and waited there until he was kicked out. currently, it was 8pm, dark, raining, and there were no signs of jaebum. youngjae, needless to say, was a little hurt. he had been waiting for 2 hours, and the ravenette has yet to show up. youngjae decided it was time to call the boy. of course, the older boy didn't pick up. youngjae stood in the rain for another hour, before deciding it was time to leave. he was getting cold, and the older obviously wasn't going to show up anytime soon. at this point, youngjae was sad, disappointed, a little angry even. he had been stood up. he began walking towards what he thought was home, but navigating in the dark is a bit tricky. he wound up walking down a dark alley. he didn't realize this until he heard footsteps behind him. he ignored them at first, but they just got louder and closer. the young boy quickened his pace, but so did the footsteps. the second pair of legs caught up with him and pinned him against the wall. the fragile boy yelped in suprise and fear. the man in front of him cackled. "scared, are we?" youngjae tried to push him off, but the older man was too strong. he pushed youngjae against the wall again, this time the youngers head hitting the wall with a loud smack. the small boy groaned in pain, the man in front of him laughing his ugly ass off. youngjae took this opportunity he shove the man and make a run for it, unfortunately tripping in the process. he fell to the dirt with a thud, hurrying to get back up. he had managed to get a bit of distance, but it wasn't enough distance. the man now hovered over him, smirking down at the terrified younger. he began to kick youngjae's stomach, causing the younger to yell out in pain. the innocent boy was picked up by his tshirt collar and shoved to the ground, his body once again hitting the ground with a loud thud. he stood up and tried to bolt, just to be pulled to the ground again. he turned around and kicked the man in the face, and taking out his phone. he dialed the first number on the screen, which just so happened to be jaebum's. the older, surprisingly enough, answered. "youngjae, let me explain." youngjae didn't want to hear his excuses. he just wanted to feel safe. he let out a quick hold on as he sprinted to the end of the alleyway, away from the man and away from his threatening remarks. once closer to the public eye, he brought the phone back up to his ear. "i don't care about that. i don't want to know why you didn't show up. it doesn't matter. i just want you to pick me up. i wanna feel safe. you make me feel safe." he paused for a minute, checking his surrounding, looking for an address of some sort. he spotted a conviniece store not far from jaebum's. "meet me at the conviniece store by your house. please." the older shot up from his couch. "of course. be there in 5." jaebum ran our to his car, and sped off to the familiar store just a few blocks away.

oops that sucked

anyways, i made a new book titled 'the ultimate kpop slam book except it's what i love about them'. yall should check it out. k im done


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