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I shake my head and say,"This just happened with Cameron. You were just a distraction," but he didn't seem to buy what I was saying.

"You're lying to me. It's because of the rumors isn't it?" he questions but I shake my head to the side. The bell rings and that's when everyone starts to walk inside of class but he didn't let me go. He begins to get closer to me and leaving me to space to be backed up against a locker.

Everyone was now gone and it was just him and I. "Tell me it's not true," his warm breathe hits my ear as he whispers to me. "Just let me know you know I can make you feel good baby girl," he continues as his hand goes up to my waist.

He puts up his hand under my shirt going dangerously close to my boobs. "So what is it gonna be?" as he plots a kiss onto my neck. I wanted to give in now. I wanted to be with him again.

Instead of telling him the truth I push him far from me and say,"It's true now go find yourself another bitch to fuck," he growls just hearing me. I walk my ass to my next class being late already.

As soon as I walk in the whole damn class turns to look at me. "Macy, you're late care to explain why?" my very annoying teacher asked

So I smile at him,"I'm on my period and couldn't figure out what to use a pad or tampon," and he just turns red. But the whole class laughed except the bitch of Sofia.

"You think you're so funny aren't you?" she says so sassy as she chews on her bubble gum loud and obnoxiously. She twirls her brown here with her finger trying to look flirty. I don't get why guys want to fuck her.

I turn around to look at her. I glare,"Do us all a favor and go spit out that shit you sound like a cow," she rolls her eyes at me.

School was finally over with so I go home.

As I'm walking Cameron catches up to me. That's when a group of girls were looking at us just whispering. So I proceed and pull him in for a kiss. "What was that for?" he whispers to me

"They wouldn't stop glaring," but he laughs

"So why are pretending again?" I had to make up a lie he wasn't going to find out about Ethan.

I stay quiet until everyone has passed us,"People thought I was fucking around with Ethan. Like come on he's my step brother," I fake a gag and he laughs with me.

"I don't get how I was brought into this?" he slightly looks at me.

"Because I didn't want people saying that shit so I said we were dating," I shrug

Brianna- I'll see you in school tomorrow bestie 😚

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" I spat and Cameron just stopped walking to look at me. Why does she have to come here now?

"You okay?" he asked but I spot Derek at the corner. I need to talk to him.

"Uh yes, I'll see you tomorrow?" I say not even looking at him. He just says okay and leaves.

I run up to Derek before his girlfriend caught up to him. "Hey?" he says looking at me strange

"Tha-nk you for earlier it means a lot," I say out of breathe. He just smiles at me.

We now start talking as we walk to god knows where. "So you're really dating Cameron?" he asked but he seemed kind of hurt. He deserves to know the truth about this whole web of lies.

"No," was all I said which confused him even more about the whole thing. We continue to walk but I didn't get anymore questions from him. It looked like as he was thinking about something.

"But you're still kinda with Ethan aren't you?" he looked upset just bringing him up. It was my fault they aren't even friends anymore. I decided to fuck around with one while the other had caught feelings for me.

All I create is chaos in friendships. "It- ended?" but it was more like a question. I wasn't even sure if I was willing to end it all with Ethan. I liked what I had with him. He controlled me in bed because it was like I was tired of being alone.

Fighting through life on my own. I needed someone to control me in some way. I was starting to lose control of myself and I need Ethan to help with it. "So did it end?" he asked again

"I think so," he just sighs

"Talk to me when you're sure," he raises his voice at me

"Why is this a big deal still?" I talk back to him

"Because I dumped my girlfriend for you!" he yells back at me making me feel like shit. He is a great guy but I don't deserve him at all. He's too good for me then I am for him. All I can bring into his life was problems with more people. I'm sure he isn't willing to lose everyone for one girl.

A girl who can't control her urges to fuck with her step brother. Someone who has the nerve to smoke all the time and drink her sorrows away. She just breaks down when she's alone because she can feel the presence of her dead best friend.

The girl who doesn't seem to know what she's doing anymore. "I didn't ask you too,"

"That's the thing you didn't ask me but I finally thought I was going to have a chance with you Macy," his smile fades away

"Derek I'm not what you deserve you deserve someone who won't hurt you. All I can do is bring more shit into your life. I don't want you to lose people for one girl. You can do better." I tell him

He scoffs and laughs,"I don't care if I can do better. I don't care if I deserve better. I already have to much shit since I met you. I fucking want you!"

"I want you Macy!" he yells loud as he can. He takes steps closer to me too close. His eyes form tears and with his shaking hands he cups my cheeks. "Let me kiss you just this one time," he whispers

"I can't," I tell him. I can't hurt him anymore. "This isn't right Derek," his lips just inches away from mine. His thumb bringing my lower lip down as he touches my lips with it.

But that didn't stop him from kissing my lips with his. I give in for a few seconds and pull away. "Goodbye Derek," I say

:) what do you think THANK YOU FOR 25k btw I finally told my crush I like him so now I found out he likes me to :,) hope it works out

anyway vote and COMMENT!!!

brianna will be messy af

peace :)

-mitzy 🌻

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