51 》 hours and hours

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Ronnie's POV

I was sat patiently in the waiting room.

Hoping that he was okay.

I asked every hour if Colby was okay or if there was any updates but I was told nothing.

I didn't trust them.

A doctor went in about 10 minutes ago and still hasn't came back out,

"I need some fresh air.." I mumbled to myself and got up to walk out.

As I was walking across the waiting room and down the hall,

I heard the same screaming I had heard before.

I stopped in my tracks.

Holding my breath so I could hear clearly without distractions.

I backed down the hallway I just walked up and paused.

The screaming was louder,

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself yet again.

I sped walked down the hallway and back into the waiting room.

The nurse at the front desk wasn't there.

No one was in the waiting room expect from me.

I slowly crept up to the door for the room that Colby was in.

Checking at the desk one last time before I opened the door.

I couldn't see anyone in my surroundings so I pushed the door open,

"Oh my god!" I yelled as I seen Colby unconscious on the floor.

Blood soaked through the hospital gown and surrounding his limptic body.

I looked around the room in a panic, searching for the doctor that came in earlier.

I couldn't see anyone in my sight so I ran over to Colby.

Sliding on my knees and dropping at his side.

I grabbed his wrist looking for a pulse.

It was faint but it was there.

I dropped his hand and lifted up his clothing.

He was wearing a white bandage around his torso which was soaked in blood,

"Jesus- Colby!" I yelled in horror as o tried to wake him up.

I took a deep breath and slapped him right across the cheek.

His eyes shot open and he gasped for air.

I turned around to his bed to see an oxygen tank.

It was the same type I had at the recovery centre when I had panic attacks.

for you only // colby brock [SEQUEL: ONE NIGHT] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now