michael gray: fatherhood.

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Michael Gray, the love of your life. You moved away from your original hometown to Small Heath to spend your life with him. It started out as casual dates to the dance and then a relationship. It wasn't until you got to Small Heath that you got pregnant, something that caused Polly to lecture you both for hours straight.

Michael immediately became protective over you once he learnt about the pregnancy. Michael had a decent childhood but once he grew older and learnt that his whole life had been based off a lie, it changed him. He didn't want your child to be brought up around lies and he wanted them to have a happy childhood full of nice memories, not being taken away from their original mother at such a young age. He was willing to do everything he possibly could to give your baby the best life they could ever have, even if this meant hurting or doing things he didn't want to do along the way.

You'd first announced the pregnancy at a family meeting. You were both immediately hit with the "Are you sure you can do this?" "Both if you are so young." And "It's not east being a parent." But you and Michael didn't listen to any of it and just shrugged your shoulder at every comment. Both of you knew that you'd be met with judgments but you were willing to take it on. You were both in a happy, stable relationship and cared for each other more than anything. Of course, having a kid was a huge step and something that would take a lot of hard work and dedication but you and him were strong enough to take on the pressures that came with being parents.

Two weeks after announcing the pregnancy to the family, you were walking down an aisle. You hadn't planned for your wedding day to be so rushed, but it was still perfect as you were marrying the man who you loved, someone that you had cared for since the age of fourteen.

"I love you." Michael mumbled in your ear as you danced. "You and the baby. Don't ever forget it."


Five months later, you and Michael were arriving back from the hospital with your baby girl. Michael had decided on the name Evelyn, which you happily agreed with. The endless hours of pain was completely worth the look on Michael's face when he first met Evelyn and the feeling you got when you first held her.

"What do we do?" Michael asked as he placed her in her pram.

You laughed and shook your head, "There's nothing we can do. She's fast asleep."

"But I wanna play with her, and hold her. Show my little girl off to everyone." He said as he gently took her hand in his.

"We can do when she's awake. Right now, I would get some sleep. Remember what you said the other week?" You asked smugly.

"Nope," He answered before he suddenly realised. "I said I'd wake up with her for the first few nights."

"That's right." You chuckled.

You woke up the next morning to an empty space next to you. You wandered down stairs and smiled at the sight of your husband and daughter on the sofa. Both of them were fast asleep with Evelyn laid on top of him. Michael had his arm gently placed around her, making sure not to put too much pressure on her tiny body.

"Wake up." You whispered as you kissed Michael on his cheek.

His eyes slowly opened, the first thing he did was turn his gaze to Evelyn to make sure she was alright. "Morning."

"We have a busy day ahead, I can guarantee your mum is gonna be round here all day." You told him.

"I can't be dealing with people. I'm shattered." He yawned.

"Welcome to fatherhood." You smiled as you took his hands in yours. "We're going to be good parents, aren't we?"

"The absolute best." He placed Evelyn in your arms and gave you a loving kiss. "My mums taking me shopping soon and I'm gonna spoil my girl rotten."

"Am i not your number one girl anymore?" You joked.

"Your both my number one girls. Forever and always."

You were the perfectly family. You had the man of your dreams, enough money to provide for the three of you, a nice house and the most beautiful daughter you could ever ask for.

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