Spin the what now?

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Dinner was weird. Fun, but weird.

They know that i'm gay.

Leo's gay. Leo's gay. Leo's gay. Leo's gay.

I keep saying it over and over in my head. Maybe I have a chance with him? No. Don't think like that. Not after-. Not after Kellin.

My ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me 5 times. With a different guy everytime.

I kept forgiving him. Until he finally got tired of me not wanting to sleep with him and left.

That's right. I'm a virgin.

Laugh it up. Make fun of me. Whatever.

Me and Leo were back in the room, waiting for everyone.

Yeah. Everyone from dinner is coming to our room to hang out. Apparently they do it whenever Grover was on night watch. Grover is Percy's friend. So he let's us do this.

It's against the rules. But for friends, Grover breaks the rules.

Leo was tidying up. Which meant pushing everything in a corner.

My side of the room was clean. I hadn't had time to mess it up.

Right now I was unpacking. Putting my black and red bedding on my bed, hanging up my band posters, and putting my clothes in the dresser.

There was a knock at the door. I went to answer it.

Leo was to busy getting snacks out. Where the hell did he get those?

Everyone was crowded around the door.

"Come on in." I said to them.

"Thanks, Nico." Percy said to me. My heart started beating faster. What? Did I like Percy?

"Why'd you guys knock?" Leo asked. "Usually you just come right in."

"Well," Piper said. "We didn't know if you were making out or not."

My face heated up. Yeah, like that would happen. I don't even like him in that way.

"Piper!" Jason said. "Don't embarrass them!"

Piper pouted.

"Otp." I heard her whisper.

What does that mean?

"Okay!" Leo clapped his hands together. "What do you guys wanna do first?"

"Let's watch Finding Nemo!" Percy said excitedly.

"We watched that last time, Fish Breath." Thalia said.

Everyone started fighting over what movie we should watch.

I looked around. The tv is kinda small.

"Hey!" Leo yelled over them. "How about you basic bitches shut up and we let Nico decide what we watch."

I looked at Leo gratefully. He smiled back.

Piper squealed slightly. No one even glanced at her. I guess it's normal.

"Can we watch Supernatural?" I asked. I love it.

Leo's face lit up.

"Oh no." I heard Hazel mumble.

"Dude, that's my favorite show ever!" Be said, going to his dresser. "I have all the seasons!"

He got out season one and picked up a remote. He pushed a button and a panel on the wall slid back, revealing a bigger tv with a DVD player below it.

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