XXI. First Mission (2)

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Ne minna-san, this chapter was a bit short, gomen. I tried to make it long but since it was hard for me to create a fight scene in details, the chapter was quite short than what was I originally wanted to be... 

Anyway, maybe some of you might notice my description and sth, I was just talking nonsense since I am not really a gamer. To be honest, I am not fond of games and I only played a bit of otome game for reference purposes (and curiousity) and since otoge are a story-like games. I am more on anime, movies, manga, and novels, so, gomen ne for some of my nonsense fighting description and strategy *bows down*


I plan to avoid them since they have nothing to do with me. I don't know them and vice versa. It's not like we're going to cross path again or if we does (if they survive today), we will not remember each other as we are both strangers.

...But God has planned for us and the plan we made were not always happen according to plan.

One of the Orcs who was holding a thorn-metal ball flail and quite far away from the party saw me.

Luckily, I have fast reaction and escaped from its attack by rolling on the side.

One thing I noticed from this orc, he is fast.

I am guessing that he was the leader of the five because he has a higher intelligence than the four and his speed of attack should not be ignored. I brought out my bow and tried to aim at him but because of his continued attack, I focus on evading him.

I did not even had a time to look to the others since all my focus was escaping the attack of the orc leader and formulating a plan on how to kill it and go on with my mission.

What are orcs if you ask me?

They are ferocious giant monster with green thick skin, a big nose and mouth with two exposed big teeth. They have a low intelligence and very hot headed creatures. Their each strike is as powerful as bronze base level and a very high defense and resistance against poison and fire attack, their only weakness is that aside from they don't have unity (their intelligence is as high as five years old human child) is to make them enable to make any action, in short, stun basic magic spell or similar magic spell and strike in between their eyebrows.

Once I recall about this, I started to chant in a low voice the spell for [Stun] before I aim my Twilight Bow in between of its eyebrow.

With a loud thud, I killed the leader of the orc. The other orc who saw their leader died in my hands, started to ignore the party group, which gives the latter a space to breathe, and attack me.

One of the orc was an archer so it was quite tricky fighting against the four.

I don't have time to yell for help since the other orc who was near with me was already in my side and attacked me with his mace. I on the other hand, because I was evading the arrows flying towards me almost hit by the mace, luckily, I was fast and leap over his head to avoid the attack. Unfortunately, as just I landed my feet on the floor, the other orc who was holding an iron axe strike at me.

"Be careful!" someone yelled from the party.

With no time to avoid the attack of this orc, I used my bow to block the most critical attack but since orc are stronger to a pitiful me, I flew to the tree with a large impact.

I felt like my whole body was shattered. I coughed a blood and felt the sticky hot liquid from my head.

I was in a miserable state right from my very first quest.

The last orc who has not yet attack me earlier kicked me just after I landed my butt on the floor making me thrown really high then again hit another tree cutting into two.

After I was hit in the second tree that was the only time the party group recovers from shock. One of the mage cast a healing spell on me, curing my wounds and repairing the broken bones I've got. I recover some strength that allows me to stand up with quite difficulty since I still feel weak from the continued attacks of the orcs.

The four orcs was occupied by the immediate come back of their previous enemy and no one paid any heed on my action. The mage who heal me, immediately joined the battle before I can stand.

I breathe really deep before I started to aim again at the orcs and this time with seriousness.

It's time for my revenge.

My strike was fast and accurate, hitting the four orcs at almost the same time. Killing them all and avenging for beating me really hard.

As they fell on the ground, I also collapse on the floor to breathe a sigh of relief and started to self-regenerate my body's wound and recovering my lost strength.

The leader of the party who was the only swordman together with the mage who healed me went to my side to take a sit.

Before I can give my gratitude to her, the leader thanks me for helping them against the orc. I just touch my nose and awkwardly smiled at them.

How can I say that I don't really have any plan on saving them but it was orc leader who take the initiative to attack me?

"You're a good archer, Miu" the leader who said his name was Ren said to me.

I shyly said, "Thank you"

"Do you have any plan to join a party? Since it was difficult to survive being an adventurer alone especially your still a little kid no matter how good your archery is"

"Yes, Miu. You should us join us!" Terra, the mage who healed me, said with enthusiasm.

I gave them an awkward smile before I also rejected their offer because of personal issue. I really think about what they just said. It's true that being with a party is safe rather than soloing but I have a hard time trusting strangers since I am a girl who has full of secrets.

Maybe I should really avoid making a battle against some monsters especially the high level monster and instead, focusing myself on leveling up by accumulating more experience by fighting against monster with almost same level as mine.

After a couple of hour of resting, we said goodbye and separate our way.

I continue my journey to complete my quest.

When I arrive at the area where I can gather the needed herbs for my quest, I also meet a couple of horned rabbits along the way. By continued fighting against them, my fighting experience increased and my injury became less and less.

I was humming 'hero's come back!' and immersed with the song of my favorite anime that I didn't noticed the sound of bushes behind my back until it was too late to react.

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