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jinyoung in glasses is a concept

youngjae currently sat across from his overexcited thai friend, who apparently couldn't get over the fact that he kissed jaebum. a lot. the younger boy was currently telling his brunette friend that he'd be planning the 2jae wedding. the brunette just playfully rolled his eyes at his thai friend. youngjae had told bambam everything about his night. even his run-in with mark. a scoff was heard from a boy with soft, black hair, a petite, fragile-looking frame, with thick-rimmed glasses, that complimented his dark, soft orbs. park jinyoung. bambam and youngjae looked into his booth. jinyoung threw the two a cold glare. "what are you looking at?" he snapped. youngjae and bambam both muttered a small "nothing" before sliding back into their own booth. "what's his problem?" the younger asked. "no idea" youngjae trailed off. they heard sniffling from jinyoung's booth. they looked into his booth again, to see his crying figure bent over the table with his face in his hands. bambam suggested that they leave him there, but youngjae being the kind soul he is walked over and sat next to the older, engulfing him in a hug. usually, the ravenette would reject actions like this, but he just snuggled closer to youngjae, eventually calming down through the brunettes comfort. youngjae rubbed jinyoung's back while whispering "when you're ready" while the older tried to collect his words. bambam just watched all this with sad eyes. sure, he didn't know the guy, but the thai felt bad that something had caused him to break down like that. the oldest of the three cleared his throat. the two other boys turned to face the older in anticipation. "I just miss him, I guess. he was my everything, I loved him so so so much, but he didn't love me back, and I guess, even after all these years, I still love him, and hearing his name still hurts." youngjae nodded while bambam just stared at jinyoung in confusion. "I know it hurts jinyoungie, I know it does." the older smiled a bit at the nickname. "I promise you, one day you'll forget about him. you'll find a special someone that will make you forget. you won't have to cry over him anymore, he won't hurt you anymore. you'll be happy, you'll be okay. I promise. it will take time, but you'll be okay." jinyoung squeezed youngjae almost to death. the older was thankful for his words, they were exactly what he needed to hear. he just needed someone to reassure him that he'd be okay. he needed someone to believe in him. bambam cleared his throat. "look, jinyoung, I don't know who you're talking about and I am aware that it's not my business, but youngjae is, for once, right." youngjae glared at his best friend. "excuse you." bambam dabbed before continuing his sentence. "whoever hurt you in the past, won't hurt you forever. you're only a high schooler, you have the rest of your life to find someone who loves you. you'll heal, I know it. you are still very young, maybe when you get older you can look back on this and laugh about it. you still time, jinyoung, and I know that you'll be okay. trust me." jinyoung nodded and thanked the boy. youngjae was shocked that his friend was able to be so sentimental. he thought the only thing the boy knew was shitty jokes and lame excuses. the bell at the front door of the cafe rang, signaling someone had shown up. the three looked at the door, revealing a blonde boy laughing with a boy with light brown hair. jinyoung froze in his spot and youngjae dropped his cup. the two boys that walked through the door were jackson wang and mark tuan. jinyoung's best friend, who is also youngjae's biggest hater, with jinyoung's subject of interest, the boy who singlehandedly caused jinyoung to sob in the middle of a cafe. bambam averted his attention to the duo, then back to youngjae and jinyoung. his eyes widened a little as he began to understand the situation. unfortunately for the three, jackson had noticed them and walked over to them. "hey guys, we need to talk." 

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