Chapter 30

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Third person pov

"You were seeing things." Shikamaru insisted. His parents hadn't let him out of their sight since the incident with Hidan. He was having a lot of trouble coming up with a plausible excuse as to why he was there, and why his parents saw them. They were just having some trouble believing it had all been a hallucination. I mean, Shikaku had chased them through the streets. Shikamaru was just glad Ibiki was back.

"Shikamaru, I'm not an idiot. Don't try to lie." Shikaku said calmly, folding his arms over his chest. Shikamaru sighed, looking away. He'd gone with the man to get groceries in a desperate attempt to get out of the house some, and to maybe prove that he could indeed leave without screwing anything up. So far, he'd been successful, but his dad certainly didn't seem to be budging. He'd have try convincing his mom. Surely she'd be easier to persuade. 

"Whoa, this is new!" A chipper voice said happily. Shikamaru blinked, scratching his cheek. 

"Ah yes, we just got it this past month! The tea is quite good." The young Nara knew that voice. That was the Third Hokage, probably giving someone a tour. He'd always done that when important political figures came to visit. It was a show of trust, letting them walk around the village and look around. It made it easier to plan an attack that way, but it also made them more trusting of the village.

"Ah, Hokage-sama. Kazekage-sama." Shikaku bowed almost the second they turned the corner, plastering a smile on his face. Shikamaru jolted, looking up at the two men. What was the Kazekage doing here, and why did he sound like... that? Wasn't his wife dead already?

"Ah, this is Shikaku Nara, our Jonin Commander. Shikaku, I believe you've met Rasa of the Sand?" The Third smiled a polite smile, gesturing towards the bright man who looked like a kid on a field trip. Shikamaru's eyes wondered down to the small figure flanking the man, though. It was Gaara, short, with messy red hair and a certain sort of look on his face. Shikamaru definitely knew that look. This kid had seen things. Hell, this kid wasn't even a kid!

"I believe so, some years ago. It's a pleasure to meet you again." Shikaku gave a bow that was hastily waved off.

"There's no need to bow, Shikaku-san!" Rasa chirped. "I'm just here to strengthen bonds!"

Gaara made eye contact with Shikamaru, and the young Nara couldn't stop himself. "Gaara!" He let out a gasp of relief. This Gaara was definitely from the future. They way he held himself, and the way he observed everything around him. This was the future Kazekage he'd come to know! "You're alright!"

The boy's eyes widened slightly with surprise, lighting up ever so slightly. He stepped forward. "Shikamaru." His voice was cooler than a child's should have been, but Shikamaru supposed that didn't really matter at the moment. He was just glad Gaara was here, and alive! During the war, they'd definitely grown closer than they had been. Temari's death had, sadly, been the thing to draw them together. With Kankuro gone, Gaara had nobody else who knew her well enough to grieve with. Nobody but Shikamaru. "You're looking scarred as ever."

The two embraced, and Rasa let out a dramatic gasp that made Shikamaru jump slightly. "Him too." Gaara muttered to Shikamaru just as they pulled away. Shikamaru's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. This man, Rasa, was from the future?! Why was he such a... such a pre-war Naruto? The man was being extremely suspicious!

"You too!" Rasa pointed an accusing finger at Shikamaru, and the boy cursed. He should have known better than to hug Gaara. That had been a dead give away. "And my son! I feel so traitor... betrayed right now! How could you?!" 

"Rasa- I mean, Kazekage-sama." Shikamaru's eye twitched. This dolt. "If you'd please come with me."

"Wait, but I'm having a tour." The man whined. Shikamaru all but kicked him in the leg, grabbing his hand and yanking him forward. Shikaku let out the most horrified gasp, scrambling to grab Shikamaru. Sand blocked his way. "Not now, dammit!" Shikamaru hissed. Who the hell else was going to show up and put a wrench in their plans, huh?! Danzo?! "You're coming with Gaara and I, and you aren't going to fucking complain!"

The Hokage stared bug eyed as Shikamaru dragged the Kazekage around the corner, Gaara trailing behind. Shikaku struggled against the sand that was keeping him from moving, but it was no use. His son had run off with another stranger from another land. He couldn't believe this. He was sort of glad that it wasn't a criminal, but he really wasn't seeing how the Kazekage was any better. 



Shisui would have to do.

"Pst." Sasuke whispered through his cracked door, gaining the boy's attention. He'd come to drop off something he'd lent Itachi, and was no leaving. Sasuke hadn't really been out of the house much unless he was going to therapy. Sometimes his mother would take him for walks around their expansive compound, but he wanted to go visit Naruto and Shikamaru, to see how to plan was coming along. With Hidan and Ibiki in the picture, Shikamaru surely had to rethink the whole thing! Shisui would be his way out.

"Sasuke?" Shisui blinked, stopping mid-step to stare at the boy. Sasuke stuck his hand through, waving him closer. The curly-haired boy blinked curiously at his younger cousin. "What is it? Are you alright?"

"Keep it down." Sasuke hissed, waving harder. Shisui crouched down so they were eye to eye, blinking, He'd heard about what had happened to Sasuke. Itachi wasn't taking it well, not wanted to go on missions, and insisting that he guard Sasuke himself. Shisui supposed he understood. After all, Sasuke had his arm chopped off.

"What is it?" Shisui asked curiously, careful to whisper.

"You're getting me out of here or I'm chopping off your foot." Sasuke hissed. He was tired of being cooped up like this. It was making him feel nervous and claustrophobic, even if his room was quite large for a child's. "I've been in here too long. I have a few friends I need to go see."

"O-Oh." Shisui blinked. 

"Well?" Sasuke hissed, glaring. Shisui stood up, clearing his throat awkwardly. He wasn't sure what he was expecting from his traumatized five year old cousin, but it wasn't that.

"Uh... well, let's go then!"

"Keep it down!"

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