Kristina and Tyler Wilson

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  • Dedicated to @didIstutter_

            “Tyler Wilson!” I yelled banging on his front door. Tyler opened it. “Kristina…?” Tyler asked. “No it’s Steven Tyler. Yes it’s me you idiot!” I yelled. “Why are you yelling at me?” Tyler asked. “Because you’re an idiot!” I yelled. “What did I do?” Tyler asked. He pulled me inside and shut the door behind me. “What did I do?” Tyler asked again. “I’ll give you a hint” I said. “Does the word detention ring a bell?” “Oh shit…” Tyler said. “Mhm” I said. “I had detention and you were supposed to pick me up afterwards” “I’m sorry, I forgot…” Tyler said. I rolled my eyes. “Ty, that’s what you’re always saying now” I said sadly.

            “Ever since you have started dating Dani…” I mumbled. “What?” Tyler asked. “Nothing” I said. “Is that was this is about, Kristina?” “No” I said. “Kristina, be honest with me” Tyler said. I sighed. “I don’t know” I said. “I just hate how you’re always spending so much time with her and leaving me alone. You’ve broken off things like eight different times. What happened to you Ty? You didn’t used to do this!” “Kristina are you jealous?” Tyler asked. I laughed. “Funny Tyler, real funny” I rolled my eyes.

            “Kristina I’m being serious” Tyler said. “So am I!” I yelled. “Well what’s wrong?!” Tyler yelled. “EVERYTHING TYLER! EVERYTHING IS WRONG!” I screamed. “Explain” Tyler said. I groaned. “Tyler I don’t have time for this. All I want is a simple apology after you’ve blown me off so many times” I said. “And that’s exactly what you’ll get” Tyler said. “Thank you” I said. “I’m not done” Tyler said. “You’ll get it after you explain to me what’s wrong” “And if I don’t want to explain?” I asked. “No explanation, no apology” Tyler said. I sighed. “Okay fine” I said. “You win, I’ll explain everything” I said.

            “You wanna know what’s wrong? Do you really wanna know what’s wrong?” I asked. Tyler nodded. “Dani, she hates me. She hates every single last thing about me. I hate being ignored and that’s what you keep doing. I can be standing right next to you and she will walk up and you will completely ignore me and turn and talk to her. Do you even know how that feels? Tyler it hurts! It hurts like hell! You’re my best friend and you’re supposed to act like it! Not act like you hate me just as your stupid girlfriend does! I don’t care if you hate me for saying that, but seriously! She’s a stupid bitch!” I yelled. I took a deep breath and started again.

“Do you even know what it’s like to not be able to be with the person you love? It sucks! Tyler I have loved you for three years and every single damn time I would try to tell you, you would get a girlfriend! And that sucked! I had to suck it up and be supportive! It was terrible but I did it because I love you and I only wanted you to be happy! Your happiness and you in general mean everything to mean! That’s why I do everything I do for you! For no other reason than you’re my best friend and I love you! I want to be with you, I wish I could be with you but nope, you’re with Dani and you choose to stay with her meaning you and I will probably never be. This is also why I hate it so much whenever you ditch me for her! Because I love you and I want to be the one to spend time with you!” I yelled

“Wait… Kristina, go back” Tyler said. I realized what I said. “No, that’s my story. That’s what’s wrong and I refuse to repeat anything” “Kristina you said you loved me” Tyler said. “No I didn’t” I said. “Yes you did” Tyler argued. “No… I said I love you. Present tense…” I said. We were quiet for a little bit. “Kristina” Tyler said. I looked up at him. “I broke up with Dani last week. I love you too” Tyler said. “No, you---” I stopped. “Wait, did you just say you love me too?” I asked. Tyler nodded. “I really do love you” Tyler said. I started to say something else but Tyler softly kissed me. “So does this mean we’re together now?” I asked. Tyler took my hand and smiled and I poked his dimples. “I guess it does” he said.

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