5 | You Deserve Much Worse Than That

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Poison- Rita Ora

5 | You Deserve Much Worse Than That

5 | You Deserve Much Worse Than That

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"Ava?" Max says, in disbelief.

My heart goes crazy at him saying my name again and I have to try hard to stop the shivers from going down my spine.

"Let go of me, Max," I demand, glaring at him.

Max looks a bit taken back at first but then his eyes narrow at me.

"No Princess, I don't want to."

I glower at him, trying to get out of his hold. "Its always what you want. Just let go of me."

"No." He growls out.

Ugh, not even 2 minutes in his presence and I already want to kill him.

I guess I'll have to find another way to get out. I internally smirk as I come up with an idea.

Stopping my struggles, I try to calm myself down.

Max looks at me with admiration and love. He looks like a man who has been deprived of water for a long time. He looks at me like I'm his salvation.

Whilst I look at him like I want to murder him. Which I do.

His eyes assess me, awe shining in them as he fully sees my face. He studies everything, engraving it in his mind.

Whilst he's distracted, I lift my leg up and knee him in the balls. Immediately, he lets go of me and I escape.

I step back to see Molly looking at us in confusion. She has no idea what's going on right now and to be honest, neither do I.

Why would Max look at me like that? He broke my heart, he ripped it out of my chest and crushed it. He should know I hate him. He shouldn't even like me, he ruined me.

"That wasn't nice princess." Max groans out, narrowing his eyes at me. I shrug my shoulders, not caring.

"You deserve much worse than that," I state.

"Ava, what I did that..."

"Don't even talk about it." I hiss and he stops, his eyes looking upset.

We stand there in silence, me glaring at him whilst Max gives me a hopeless expression. I notice Molly keeps glancing at the two of us, trying to work out what's going on.

"I still love you, Ava. What I did two years ago was..."

Once again, I cut Max off. "Let's go, Molly." And with that, I grab Molly and drag her off with me.

I can feel his eyes on me, watching me leave. I can also feel majority of the students here looking at me with curiosity. If they didn't know me before, they do now.

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