Why Can't You Obey

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A few days later......

Dad- "Allyssa lets go"

Allyssa- "Coming"!


Dad- "Ready"?

Allyssa- "Yup"

Dad- "Let's go"

-Heading to the beach-

Dad- "When we are at the beach don't wander off, stay where I can see you, tell me if you are going into the water, and don't go to far in the water without me with you"

Allyssa- "Sure"

Dad- "Good. We are here"

Allyssa- "Come on Dad. I want to go into the water"

Dad- "Slow down Allyssa"

Allyssa- "Dad let's go"

Dad- "Fine"

-A few hours later-

Dad- "Let's take a break for awhile"

Allyssa- "Okay"

Dad- "Either read or lay down for a little bit"

Allyssa- "I don't have my book"

Dad- "I brought it with me"

Allyssa- "Oh okay"

-30 minutes later-

Allyssa- "Dad can we go in now"?

Dad- "Not yet Allyssa"

Allyssa- "Come on Dad. I'm bored"

Dad- "Read"

Allyssa- "Got to boring"

Dad- "Build a sandcastle"

Allyssa- "Nah"

Dad- "Take a nap"

Allyssa- "Nah"

Dad- "Then wait for 15 more minutes then we can go in again"

Allyssa- "Fine"

-5 minutes later-

Allyssa- I decided to go into the water hoping my Dad won't find out.

Dad- I woke up to people shouting. All I could hear was there was a shark. I quickly looked around and when I didn't see Allyssa I started to panic. Then I heard someone say that there was a girl about 18 yards from the shark. I quickly swam towards the girl and then I realized it was Allyssa. Allyssa was already swimming towards the shore. I grabbed her and swam back to the shore where I covered her with a towel and a landed swats on her bottom

Allyssa- "Owww...that hurt Dad" I said as I rubbed my bottom.

Dad- Smack Smack " What did I tell you earlier"?

Allyssa- "I......uhhhhh forgot"

Dad- "Allyssa I know that is not true"

Allyssa- "You told me stay close, tell you were I'm going and not go too far into the water"

Dad- "Then why did you disobey me"?

Allyssa- "I'm sorry Dad"

Dad- "Grab your stuff we are leaving"

Allyssa- "What. Why"?

Dad- "Because you were disobedient"

Allyssa- "But..."

Dad- "Now Allyssa"

Allyssa- "Fine"


Dad- "Go take a shower then come back down here"

Allyssa- "Yes Fine"

-20 minutes later-

Dad- I took my shower then went downstairs to make dinner. I hear Allyssa coming down and sitting down on the sofa.

Allyssa- I finished my shower like 10 minutes ago and I don't want to go downstairs because my Dad is angry at me. I hear him in the kitchen probably making dinner. I finally went downstairs and sat down on the sofa.

Dad- "Allyssa come here please"!

Allyssa- "Coming"!


Dad- "Go grab 2 plates and set the table"

Allyssa- "Yes Sir"

-Dinner Time-

Dad- "After we are done eating I want you to wash the dishes then go to my room and wait for me"

Allyssa- "Yes Sir"

-After Dinner-

*Dishes Are Finished*

*Dad Room*

Dad- "Allyssa I don't know what I'm going to do. You deliberately disobeyed an order and you put yourself in danger"

Allyssa- "I know and I'm sorry. I was going to tell you but I didn't want go wake you up"

Dad- "Allyssa I told you to tell me if you are going into the water. And I told you to wait 10 more minutes then we could both go in"

Allyssa- "But I wanted to go into the water then and not wait"

Dad- "I'm dissapointed that you disobeyed me. You could've gotten hurt"

Allyssa- "I'm sorry Dad"

Dad- "You are getting 25 and you are also grounded for 2 weeks"

Allyssa- "But Dad"

Dad- "Allyssa I don't want to hear any arguments about it"

Allyssa- "Yes Sir"

*After the spanking*

Dad- "Next time I tell give you an order you are to obey it. Is that clear"?

Allyssa- "Yes Sir"

Dad- "Okay go get ready for bed. I'll be in a few minutes"

Allyssa- "Yes Sir"

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