Chapter 95

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Ok, let's recap shall we?

Nissa is Rebeca, Rebeca is Nissa and my wife is currently losing her shit.

"Is it true?" Jaxon yells at his wife, errr mom?

Wifemom? Momwife?


"Well Mr. White, I called your wife's doctor for his opinion on the miscarriage. He said that the fetus was never viable, the genetic makeup would of never allowed it to live past 20 weeks in utero." Louis explains as he sets the paper in front of Jaxon, "The poor genetic makeup was due to incest."


"Tell me, I want to hear it from you Nissa." Jaxon growls.

"Baby all I wanted to do was love you, she took you away from me." She deflects onto the REAL Nissa as Angel stands up.

"This all makes sense." She says as she walks to the middle of the chaotic courtroom, "You were always jealous of my mother, my REAL mother so you force her out. Then your jealous got put on me, you were jealous so you stole my mother's life. You were jealous so you stole my boyfriend who just so happens to be the son you abandoned, you were jealous of Harry and I's happiness with Ariel so you try to take him away from us." Angel sneers as she gets in her fake mother's fake.

"You'll always be a jealous, manipulative bitch." She spits and the REAL Rebeca goes to slap her, before I can react a large hand wraps around her wrist as Ezra towers over her.

"You will never touch my daughter again or so help me God you will not have hands." He threatens.

"This man just threatened me, arrest him!" She cries and the judge laughs.

"I'd do a hell of a lot more if I were him trust me." The judge snaps, Jaxon glares as his mom/wife before storming out of the courtroom and Xander is quick on his feet after him. "As far as I can see you should of never had a child period Mrs. White or whatever the hell your name is. I'm dismissing this case, the child stays with his father and nothing is to be changed or amended." She says before slamming her gavel, Angel turns around and looks at me as I run to her. I wrap my arms around my wife and kiss her hair as the chaos continues around us. "Y'all can get out of my courtroom now." The judge says.

"Well while we have her distracted.." Louis smirks before five police officers enter.

"Rebeca Johnson, you're under arrest for two counts of attempted murder-" The officer rattles off a dozen more charges as they place her in handcuffs, Angel and I watch as they go to lead her outside but she stops in front of us.

"You should go thank your bitch of a mother, she just signed your death certificate." She sneers at Angel who is quick to slap her across the face.

"Doesn't feel too good does it?" Angel snaps, the officers shake their heads before leading her out of the building and hopefully our lives.

We gather our things and empty the courtroom before regrouping in the courtyard outside, "You're really my mom?" Angel asks and she nods, Angel wraps her arms around her waist and hugs her as she fights back sobs.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here now." Her real mother coos, the more I look at her the more I see how much Angel looks like her. Way more so then Rebeca Johnson.

"This is crazy man." Liam mutters and Niall nods in agreeance.

"You don't even know who you were married to." Niall says and my eyes widen.

"Louis!" I should and he runs over, "Check the marriage license with Nissa AKA Rebeca. If it was filed under Nissa's name that would make it void right?" I ask, he pauses before nodding.

"And if it's void you were never married to her which means she took the house and money fraudulently which will wrack up her years in jail. Good thinking H, I'll go check into it." He says before running off.

"We need to get back to the office and drop Jerica off, dinner at your place to celebrate?" Liam asks and I nod before waving to Jerica who is hanging back a bit letting the news soak in for Angel a bit.

"So what should I call you because Nissa just doesn't feel right." I smirk as I wrap my arm around my wife who's looking at her new found mother.

"Gracie will do fine Harry." She says smiling brightly, I look down at Angel who has the exact same smile on her face. Ezra walks over to us while Gemma hangs back and looks down at the ground awkwardly.

"It used to annoy you when I called you Gracie." Ezra points out and she chuckles.

"When you lose everything it's the little thing that keep you going." She replies and he frowns.

"Why didn't you come to me? We could of had her locked up."

"I was scared Ez, I knew you would be upset when you found out I had lied plus it was illegal. You would of gone to jail and I didn't want that, plus you've done such an amazing job with our girl." She adds as she nudges Angel.

"I'll agree with you there, I just wish it could of been different." He shrugs.

"Are you happy Ezra?" She asks softly, he looks back at my sister and nods.

"I am happy, very happy." He replies before holding out his hand to Gemma. "Gemma, this is Gracie. Angel's real mom." He introduces her formally. "Gemma is actually Harry's older sister." Ezra smirks and Gracie shakes her head.

"You guys like to keep it complicated... That's for sure!"


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It's currently 4:11am and I AM GOING TO BED!

Just a few more chapters left in this story, it will be completed TOMORROW!

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