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Your POV:

After burying their corpses, I teleport back to the Trancy Manor to look for Sebastian. It was simple to find him, since I knew where he was. He was in the top corner of the front entrance. The door opens, and Claude walks outside.

"What a surprise, I thought you'd be spying from a distance, but here you are at the front entrance."

"My young master's orders were specifically for me to stay out of his sight. It's certainly no violation of his orders if it's only you seeing me." Sebastian jumps down from his perch.

"Now then, I came here to return this to you." He grabs the rose off his uniform before throwing it. Claude gasps as Sebastian's fist collides with his stomach. Claude flew off quite a distance away.

'Yeesh, and here I thought he was mean to me.' I didn't care though. I hated Claude with a passion as well.

"Another surprise." He grunts as he picks himself off the ground before placing his glasses back on his face after fixing them.

"A demon terminating a contract is quite an unusual occurrence."

"I'm terminating nothing. You broke the contract first."

The burning sensation returns to my eyes as I project another flashback. Claude and Sebastian were sitting at a table, dropping their blood onto white roses.

"We swore to differ our battle over the young master's soul until it was fully cultivated, until after he had his revenge."

The stinging went away, and I rubbed my eyes.

"I hate that so much."

"Our deal was to use each other for mutual benefit until such a time."

Claude removes his own rose to examine it.

"My, my. These spider mites have discolored the leaves. It seems that my rose was infested all along. Regrettable turn of events." The rose turned to ash, which easily fell apart and blew away in the gentle wind.

"Indeed, now both roses are dead."

"It's terminated." Claude removes his glasses.

"Hear me now, come Hell or high water, I intend to devour Ciel Phantomhive's soul. You see, I know now there's more to it than it's superior flavor. It goes much deeper than that."

"Yes, in that, you are correct." Sebastian adjusts his glove.

"Both of you could say what you'd like about Ciel, but Claude, I think you're forgetting something important."

Claude looks at me curiously.

"And, what is so important that I've neglected to remember."

I smirk at him, while holding Derek to my chest.

"You see, I really like Ciel. He's a good kid. As for you, I hate your guts. Do you think either Sebastian or I will allow you to do such a thing to him?"

He glared intensely at me.

"We demons are granted eternal life, however we grow weary. We live so long. Far, far too long."

"My master's life lends a certain spice to the world, upon which we glutton ourselves."

"It dwells in darkness, and yet, it remains unstained. It charms us, vexes us, tantalizes us, frenzies us, and now,"

"Now it's brought us to this, a broken contract, a fight between demons and a goddess." Sebastian finishes Claude's statement. Claude whips out the gold silverware, while Sebastian pulls out his signature utensils. They charge at each other, throwing their forks and knives.

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