How I met your father

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Jeongguk tells his children a story, the story of he met their mo-i mean, father.


Jeongguk entered into the room hurriedly, his rose perfume wafted in the air. Then he spotted a boy-similar  to his age-sitting alone in the lobby.
The right side of his lips turned up slowly, forming a devilish-grin.

His black charcoal eyes narrowed at something or better yet-someone. He started making his way to the boy who is oblivious to his surroundings at the moment.

Jeongguk observed the boy thoroughly.

His long ash-grey hairs were almost touching his shoulders. His eyes were covered with thick red-framed glasses. The boy was so engrossed in the book he was reading that he failed to notice jeongguk approach him.

"Hey, there cutie." Jeongguk smirked looking down at the boy, now staring up at him with big doe eyes.

...And the rest, my friends, is history.


I know it's short af but your author is lazy af and I am busy catching up with memetan shookeondan. 😂

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