Chapter 9

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"I could go with her, I need to pick up my bike anyway," Mikazuki suggested to Peridot's mother.

"Please do, I don't trust her going out alone," Elizabeth Ann responded.

The blonde haired woman nodded before jogging to catch up with the green-haired woman. "What do you want? Did my mother send you?" Peri sighed while trudging towards the exit.

"No," Mikazuki stated. "I need to get my bike, and I was hoping I could have someone to tag along since you're going out."

As the two women of different heights head out of the lair, a silence ascends upon them. "So, how's New York so far?"

"I guess it's good, but I haven't really had much time to explore," the taller one answered, fiddling with the hilt of her katana.

"I hope our quarrels haven't bothered you," she muttered. "I'm sorry you had to hear it in the first place."

"It's quite alright," Mikazuki replied.

"Yea, April and I have a long rivaled history. I don't think you want to hear about it though," Peridot breathed.

"Not really," the other woman laughed lightly.

"I was proved correct," the lime-haired girl smirked. "How'd you and Amaya meet?"

"Our Clans were close allies, so we were practically all one Clan. Both of our Clans were a branch of the original Hamato Clan. While Shredder lived in Japan, he killed both of our Clans, including both of our parents. We somehow managed to escape. That night, with flames glowing around our eight-year-old selves, we vowed to end his own Clan that should have ended long ago."

Peridot glanced at the sewer wall. "Everyone around here apparently has plans to kill Shredder," she said, glancing at the ground. "Is he really that evil?"

"He kills anyone who gets in his way!" The Japanese woman exclaimed.

"Not my mother and I apparently," Peri uttered as she played with the strings on her sweatshirt.

Mikazuki stopped walking to stare at the lime-haired girl beside her. "Why?"

Peridot kept padding forward. "I was once allied with Shredder. When he told me his real plans, I simply couldn't let him hurt the turtles by using me. I left. He kidnapped my mother, but he let her leave unharmed. He also let me leave multiple times without injury."

"Why would he do that?" The lanky woman inquired as she caught up to Peri.

"Because, he's my father," she whispered while looking up at the taller woman. "I always thought my mom was joking about my father being a monster..."

Mikazuki made an 'oh' sound before the lime-haired girl continued.

"I never really knew him that well, but he is a monster," she paused while placing a happier face on. "On the brighter side, how is Japan?"

"Peaceful, mostly," the armor-clad woman replied.

"Mostly," she prompted.

"Sometimes quarrels among the Ninja Clans occurred, but nothing major happened," Mikazuki responded.

"It doesn't sound very different from here," she murmured.

"So, how come you do not bear the last name of your father?" the blonde haired woman questioned.

"My mother didn't want me to grow up a Saki, and my father was 'dead' at the time," she said. "How about you, were your parents nice?"

"I suppose, they had the better of marriages. I had an older sister, but she was killed by The Foot," the Kunoichi mumbled.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she paused. "I guess we're not that different after all."

"I agree. Even the most different have similarities," she paused. "Perhaps even you and that April character even share a similarity."

"That's different," the lime-haired girl stated. "She befriended me for a year, and he was my very first friend. As a kid, people would pick on me because of my hair, eyes, or even my strange attitude. I thought April was different, and that was my mistake. A year later, she told everyone in our school all of my secrets. The day before my family was attacked, I had never felt so lone or weak in my life. If April was never in my life, then it wouldn't have been so horrible.'

"Things happen for reasons that I cannot explain," Mikazuki sighed. "Sometimes, the bad has a good outcome."

"Like what? Spending ten years alone, stealing to support my mother, robbing good people for our own selfish needs. I see no good in it," she explained.

"Ah, but you are only focusing on the bad," Mikazuki smiled. "The good will come in small amounts at first, as you are still on your own journey of self-discovery. Like now, you have the kame, and they give you a home, food, and things to occupy you."

"There's not that much to do," the shorter of the two muttered.

"You work with Donatello in the lab, play games, watch TV, you train, you chat with others," the Kunoichi listed.

"Training isn't exactly what I need," the girl huffed.

"Yet, it is always valuable," Mikazuki pointed out.

"I can't be trained by the turtles because they don't know how to train me," Peridot retorted.

"Why is that?" The skinny girl asked. "Pride?"

"What? No," Peri stuttered. "I have powers that no one seems to know about, not even myself. That's why both the Kraang and the Shredder want me to join them, to use me."

"Are your powers from a mutagen mutation?" Mikazuki inquired.

"I think so. I overheard the Kraang discussing it one day. They believe that if I try hard enough that I can choose the power that I have. The tests never work and I'm still powerless," Peri explained.

"Perhaps your mutagen is not mature enough yet," she guessed.

"I would think that sixteen years of having it would make it mature," the lime-haired woman chuckled.

"But, you are not an adult yet, either," Mikazuki pointed out.

"Not in age," she said. "How old are you exactly?"

"I am eighteen," he blonde-haired woman stated.

"That makes sense, because you're tall, experienced, and able to travel places," Peri observed.

The short haired woman gave a brief nod before climbing up a ladder that led to an empty alleyway. Mikazuki walked over to take off a trash cover to reveal a black motorcycle with purple flames. "Ta da!"

"Nice!" Peridot exclaimed.

"Thanks, I built it and painted it myself."

"How'd you get it here from Japan?" The green-haired girl asked curiously.

"Amaya and I snuck ourselves and the bike into the cargo hold of an airplane," she replied as if it were nothing.

"How long did it take you to build it?" The short one asked as she intently looked upon the motorbike.

"A year," she stated. "I had to salvage parts," she tossed her new found friend a helmet as she put on her own.

Peridot strapped it on and they both climbed onto the bike. Mikazuki drove into a subway entrance and continued driving until they reached the correct tunnels to return to the lair.

~Chapter End~

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