getting girls since the womb

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A/N: HOES, I forgot to mention that they are in high school in this book soo... and yes, mike isnt homeschooled in this, and it takes place in modern day, so hoes this is not gonna be like the movie or the book at all🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏼 if u dont like that im sorry and if you do then hey thanks- your bitch, Bethany.

Richie; wow, can you believe how hot Gretta was today?

Eddie; uh, Gretta is a grade A asshole

Richie; well, yeah I know but she is still a fine piece of ass

Eddie; I mean I guess

Richie; all I'm saying is that I would fuck her if she wasn't an ass to bev

Eddie; hahahahahahahahha she wouldn't let a piece of trash like you near her

Richie; yes she would. she has before

Eddie; when?

Richie; back in the sixth grade she kissed me at the park

Eddie; ahahahahahhahaha 

Richie; what?

Eddie; oh no no im sorry thats just so funny

Richie; how? its true!

Eddie; lmao 

Richie; why are you being a dick?

Eddie; im not im just laughing at the fact that ur first kiss was with someone who hates you

Richie; she wasnt my first kiss, ive been getting girls since the womb

Richie; well buddy boy you probably haven't even had your first kiss yet

Eddie; uh for your information i have had my first kiss

Eddie; how do u get girls in the womb? 

Eddie; the only girl u'd  get in there is your mom

Richie; wow dont talk about her that way

Eddie; ...

Richie; that was sarcasm. i honestly dont give a fuck

Eddie; okay well... i gotta go do calc homework

Richie; NErDDDD

Eddie; maybe so.

Richie; huh?

Eddie; bye richie

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