Chapter Two

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The start of term feast had been a whirlwind of emotions. Firstly, Professor Moody an acclaimed auror had chosen to make a very dramatic entrance. She knew he was brilliant but that didn't change the fact his arrival, coinciding with a loud clap of thunder, hadn't been any less terrifying. Still, that wasn't the only exciting thing to happen. Angela hadn't been lying when she said there was a big announcement although given that every year there always seemed to be something which ultimately led to disaster, Aubrey was less surprised than she probably should have been.

The Triwizard Tournament coming to their school was interesting but after finding out she was too young to take part by a month, she'd sort of zoned out. Not that she would have done it anyway, she had plans but even more importantly, a desire to prove her friends wrong and actually complete her goals on her own terms. Angela and Kenny had left to the Gryffindor Tower, so it was just her and Lexy now. Despite the fact that Lexy couldn't enter either, she was still determined to find something to be dramatic about: it was a special talent.

"Oh God, I bet Roger will enter," Lexy murmured once they were safely inside the confines of the Hufflepuff common room, "Oh God, Aubrey, he's going to die! Roger is going to die and I am going to be a spinster for the rest of my whole damn life."

She sunk into one of the chairs dramatically, completely forgetting that they still had to unpack their stuff. Aubrey rolled her eyes, dropping her trunk as she walked over to her pining friend.

"Lexy, being a spinster wouldn't be the end of the world and there are other guys."

"No, not like him," Lexy replied, gripping a pillow between her hands, "The way I felt when he owled me, that's love. I don't want to be single forever, you know, like sex sounds crazy fun and that's just based on Angela's descriptions and you know how boring she is."

Aubrey was aware of people glancing over at them a bit and she hastily looked away, lowering her voice, "Maybe save the sex talk for inside the dorms, that boy just gave us a really weird look."

Although this was mortifying for Aubrey, Lexy's mouth simply curved into a wry smile which she quickly suppressed, "Let him hear. Let the whole world know... on second thoughts, don't but you know what I mean. Oh Aubrey, I'm so scared, I don't think I can ever move from this chair."

Before the holidays, Aubrey's mum had baked several delicious batches of cookies and Mrs Jackson being Mrs Jackson, had packed several boxes in her trunk. She had been hoping to save them for a rainy day, however, snapping Lexy out of her current state felt like a more pressing need.

"Okay, hon, you need to get out of that chair," She shook the box of cookies and Lexy's eyes instantly snapped open, "Won't give you a cookie otherwise."

"Not fair," Lexy groaned, "Please?"

"You've got to act fast, early bird catches the worm," She replied opening the lid and taking a bite of one. After a long pause, Lexy heaved herself up, mumbling something indistinctly. It didn't matter what she'd said though, what mattered was that she was out of her chair and they were on their way.

Although she was up, that didn't stop Lexy obsessively worrying. However her attention had now been turned away from Roger, moving onto a new issue.

"Aren't you worried that ..." Lexy quickly realised that they were no longer alone in the dorms, "... a certain someone is going to take part. If he enters he'll either win spectacularly or die spectacularly, you get the feeling there's no in between. Either that or Fred will - "

Lexy clamped her hands over her mouth as she realised what she'd said but thankfully the other girls were preoccupied with their own conversations. Aubrey pursed her lips, "To be honest, I'm more worried that Angela will do it, she'll be seventeen by the time champions are chosen."

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