Chapter 54

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Hey everyone!

I know it's been awhile since my last update but I've been quite busy with finals, student council, and being sick!

I think you guys will really enjoy this chapter, it gets pretty crazy so stick with me! Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy <3

Okay real talk though after the next chapter there's only 15 chaps left in this so prepare yourselves for some shit to go down anyways I'll let you read now


Draco's POV -

When I wake the following morning, I'm relieved to discover that it's a Saturday.

The night before had been stressful and horrifying; in fact, the past three days had.

When Jennifer had shown up late at night, knocking against my bedroom door, I had almost lost my shit. I was confused and hurt and angry, all of which led me to act very irrationally.

At the thought of how I'd scared her and treated her the night before, guilt begins to sink into my stomach. I hope I hadn't scared her too bad. I don't mean to be intimidating or irrational, my emotions just get the best of me sometimes.

Quickly, I wipe my itchy eyes with the back of my palm, and allow them to drift open.

Jennifer is lying a foot or so away from me, her limp body draped across my arm. I no longer have feeling in the stray limb, but it doesn't bother me. Her red curls stretch back across the pillow, tickling my nose.

With a soft smile, I pull her body closer to mine, enjoying the way that just one of my arms is able to completely wrap around her tiny figure. Quietly, I press my lips to her temple. After the night we'd both had, I don't want to wake her. She needs all the rest that she can get, as I can guess she might not have gotten much over the past day or two.

I rise from beneath the duvet reluctantly, and reach for a loose piece of parchment and an uncapped quill.

Went down to the great hall. Meet me under the willow tree by the lake at noon, before I go to work on my task.


I fold the note in half, and drop it onto the bedside nightstand.

Hopefully, Jennifer will be okay while I'm gone. I don't want her to wake up by herself if she's still traumatized from the events from the past few days. The thought causes anxiety to stir in my chest. I can't just leave her here - there's no way she'd feel safe or comforted if she were to wake up all by her lonesome.

Quickly, I make the decision to run down to the great hall to grab her a small breakfast, and then hurry back up to my dorm straight afterwards.

I trip over to my closet, and tear a wrinkled button up shirt and pants from their hangers. Hurriedly, I pull a dark vest over my head, and make my way towards the door in a rush.

I have to move quickly - I want to be here when she wakes up.


The great hall is live with students for such an early time in the morning. Busy chatter ripples across the large room, and the first rays of morning sunlight have begun to peak through the windows.

I make my way towards the Slytherin table, desperately trying to remember what Jennifer had said to me before about the sort of breakfast foods she likes. In the back of my mind, I can recall her saying something about buttered toast once before...

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