Chapter 7

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After changing into her robes, she met up with Riddle in the common room before walking off to the Great Hall. They walked in unnerving silence to the Great Hall for dinner.

People gave her weird looks as she sat down next to Tom. He didn't say anything as he began to eat in silence. Hermione's eyes settled on the people (whom she guessed her Blacks) around her. The Blacks were easily recognizable with their jet-black hair and pale skin.

Hermione was startled to hear a kind, female voice greeting her. "Hello. I'm Lucretia Black. These are my cousins Walburga and Orion Black. And this is Druella Rosier." Lucretia gestured to Walburga, Orion and Druella who sat across from her and gave her looks of curiosity. It was only Druella who gave her a small nod in acknowledgement. Hermione nodded back in return. Before answering Hermione put on her best pure-blood façade. "Elora Black. It seems that we are cousins as well."

"I don't understand...How can that be?" Lucretia wondered. Her face bemused.

"My father was Phineas Black. He was disowned, which is probably why you've never heard of me." Hermione responded, her voice cold. Lucretia nodded her head in understanding, while Walburga gave her a sneer of disgust. "Mother told me your father was a filthy blood-traitor. I bet he went off with a filthy muggle-born, or worse muggle." Walburga stated with disdain written all over her face. "Actually I'm a pure-blood." Hermione replied, giving Walburga a glare.

"Prove it." Walburga sneered, while people around the table began looking at them.

"My mother was a Rousseau. She was from France." Hermione once again prayed that the Rousseau family existed and was pure-blooded.

Luck must've been on her side as Walburga promptly shut up and began eating, her head bowed in embarrassment. Hermione felt smug. She had bested the witch that had screamed at her for years.

"Why weren't you at Hogwarts before then?" Orion asked.

"I was home-schooled, then Father got killed in the war in France. I wanted to finish my education and I knew he went here, so why not?" Hermione lightly shrugged. Orion nodded and went back to minding his own business. "Welcome to Slytherin cousin." Lucretia gave her a welcoming smile while Hermione noticed the shiny prefect badge on her robes. Hermione sighed. At least someone around here was nice to her.

Dinner continued on with Lucretia and Hermione making casual conversation. 'She isn't half bad.' Hermione thought. She found that Lucretia was actually quite intelligent and kind. She also didn't care about blood purity, though she never mentioned it to her other family members in fear of being disowned. Hermione was thankful that Hogwarts had chosen a good example for a prefect.

After a while, a group of 5 boys sat down on her right next to Tom Riddle. Hermione guessed that they were his original followers. Lucretia listed off their names as they sat down. Abraxas Malfoy, Cassius Mulciber, Lazerus Lestrange, Uxerious Avery and Cantankerus Nott. Hermione wondered why Orion hadn't joined them yet. Perhaps he had yet to join, after all he was a few years younger. They all nodded at Tom in acknowledgment like the loyal lapdogs they were. Hermione almost scoffed. Abraxas gave her a look of piqued interest and Hermione shuddered. Great. The grandfather of Draco Malfoy was taking an interest in her. She wondered if he was as mean and prejudiced as his grandson.

It wasn't long before dinner ended and the students of Hogwarts made their way to their respective common rooms. Hermione walked back with Druella and Lucretia, while Walburga lagged behind. It seemed that the girls were best friends. Druella wasn't that bad either, even though she was the mother of the wretched Bellatrix. She just believed strongly in blood purity, which grated on Hermione's nerves a bit, but it was what she was raised to think. After exhaustion dawned on her, Hermione spent her first night in the past sleeping contently.




Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter Franchise.

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