It All Started with a DM Pt. 2

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I am honestly so excited for this one. I was rereading my one shots (and doing a lot of cringing. Who let me post this?) and as I read It All Started with a DM I realized how much potential it had for a part two. I'm sorry it's not a original, and nobody even commented asking for a part two, but I had a great idea for the continuation of this. (Quick note I'm freezing rn and it's hell, which is ironic bc hell is all fiery but that's not the point. I'm dying and it's not fun)

Corl's POV:
On the ride home from the airport I watched the video that Denis sent me one more time, nearly crying when it showed a video clip from the best friend tag we did when we talked about how we met. We've come so far. The taxi stopped, pulling me out of my trance as I handed the driver my money and got out, unable to be more excited. I'm finally home. I was home a day late because of a delay, but in that time Denis got better. He was perfectly fine now and I couldn't be happier. I walked up they pathway, rolling my suitcase behind me. The door opened before I even got a chance to knock and I was pulled into Denis's arms. His muscles bulged through the long sleeve shirt he was wearing making my toes curl. How can one human being have such control over me?

"I miss you too!" My chuckle slid out of my throat along with my explanation as he squeezed me tighter. I submitted, my surprise fading, a collapsed into his chest. I could smell his oh-so-familiar cologne on his neck and it made my knees weak.

"I'm so glad you're home." His voice was muffled in the light jacket I was wearing to block out the slight chill in the air, but it did nothing to stop the chill from running down my spine when I felt his breath on my neck.

" too." We pulled away and I bit my lip, looking down at the ground to avoid meeting his eyes. That plan was shot down when his finger slipped under my chin and lifted my head, meeting our eyes and causing my breath to hitch in my throat. He looked deep into my soul as he spoke.

"Let's go inside. I've got something for you." His lips formed into a smirk that ran through my veins. He grabbed my suitcase, my messenger bag was over my shoulder, and we walked inside.

I sat my bag on the floor beside the couch, hearing the door close behind me. Before I knew it I was being spun around and pulled into a body. Denis. My eyes met his and I gasped. There was love swimming in whatever was left of his irises. I could barely see it because of how lust blown his pupils were as he looked down to my lips, subconsciously biting his in the progress before looking back into my eyes. His eyebrow raised as if he were asking for permission. My body acted without my consent, head nodding and arms wrapping around his neck as our lips met with a passion. His fingers locked into my belt loops, his thumbs stroking the bit or stomach that was exposed where the hem had pulled up. He pulled me a bit closer and I felt his erection against mine. The friction it created was enough for a moan to leave my lips, allowing him entrance. His tongues expertly explores my mouth, the kiss becoming a war between teeth and gums. My hands slid down over his broad shoulders and his chest, reaching the hem of his shirt and tugging  it up and over his head, regrettably breaking the kiss to do so. Mine followed shortly after, joining his on the floor to be dealt with later. We couldn't be bothered to pick them up as he silently led me to the bedroom. We were both trying to catch our breath and I personally was trying to process what the hell just happened. I was thrown onto Denis's bed and my eyes went wide. This is happening. He crawled on top of me, his hands going to either side of my head before he leaned down and captured my lips yet again. He let out a hungry growl, the noise going straight to my growing erection. I bucked my hips up, receiving some much needed friction and letting out a high pitched moan. I felt his hot breath fanning across my face and neck as he looked me in my eyes, the world stopping. He quickly pecked my lips before smirking and ducking his head down to attach my neck. I felt his teeth run over my Adam's apple causing a string of high pitched moans to fall from my lips. He bit down, rolling the sensitive skin between his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. I'm gonna have so many hickies tomorrow. Denis has mentioned how much he loves them in the past. He moved from my Adam's apple to a spot right below my jaw. He immediately bit the skin and sucked it into his mouth, causing a loud moan to escape my lips. He found my sweet spot. He let the bruised skin out of his mouth, his tongue tracing the large purpling bruise before he blew hot air onto the mark. I gasped audibly. He moved back up to my face before pecking my lips.

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