Chapter 21

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            "So day three, how's life going for you so far?" Isaac smiles, and he truly does look happy. Even his eyes smile when he talks.

I sigh and smile back, "Good. Great actually." It's true. It's amazing here. Tobias is so kind and caring. His wolf is still on edge at times, but we work through it. Tobias does work a lot, but not as much as Alexander did.

Alexander. The thought of him sends a tug at my heart. My wolf has been quiet lately, I think it's because of the bond Alexander and I share. Not seeing him is taking a toll on her, whether we like it or not our bond is still present and affecting us. Being with Tobias, though, helps us stay healthy and happy.

Isaac looks at me, searching for any hint of a lie, but smiles knowing I'm telling the truth. "I'm glad you're happy Belle."

"Yeah. And what about you mister? I haven't seen a smile that wide in a while. How are you and your mate?" There really isn't any reason to ask, whenever I'm not hanging out with Tobias, I'm with Isaac and Duncan. Even if you were blind you'd be able to tell how happy the two were together.

Isaac blushes then leans back in his seat, trying to act nonchalant. "Things are good."

"Just good? Awe come on, you finally met your mate and all you can say is 'things are good'? Unacceptable." Isaac rolls his eyes at my behavior but finally cracks.

"Duncan is great, really. He's kind, smart, understanding, but he is kind of serious, guarded almost. I mean I've seen the playful side of him a few times, but... I don't know. Kind of reminds me of Alexander. Happy one moment, serious the next." Yeah, Alexander was kind of bipolar. He was more serious than fun. I used to dream of  being the one to crack his scary shell.  "Well, not exactly like Alexander. Duncan is not nearly half as bad... I just... uh... Alex used to be my best friend. Things were great, fun, and free. I guess the power just changed him."

"And you're afraid that'll happen to Duncan? He's nothing like Alexander, besides there is no power to pressure him." I smile and trying to comfort Isaac, but he just shuffles awkwardly. What is he not telling me?

"Well... actually..." I don't like the sound of this. "Alexander and Tobias have been trying to figure out they're... positions in the werewolf community for a while."

"Yeah since they're twins they practically have to share."

"Yes... they're technically supposed to share everything. Their kingdom, pack, mate. But as you know these brothers aren't prone to sharing with each other. Alexander took the throne, because he saw himself rightfully fit to do so-"

"But Tobias should, by birthright, if they try to be technical. I mean he was born first." Why is he giving me a lesson on something I already know?

"Yes, but Alexander was always the favorite. Their father preferred him over Tobias, and whatever the king likes, the kingdom also favors." I wonder why... I'll certainly have to ask Tobias about that someday. "For years they've been fighting, trying to figure out who should truly rule, and now that you've entered the equation, Tobias has found a way."

"What do you mean?" What do I have to do with any of this?

"When you were... sleeping..." What he means is when Alexander almost brought me to my death. "Tobias tried to find something, anything to bring you here. He spoke with the elders, and they figured out a way to solve all of his problems. There is a law regarding werewolves who share a mate. The mate is able to choose which mate she wants, unless one of her mates is of royal blood."

His words make me worry, making my blood freeze. If that's true then that means I won't be able to stay for long. I'll have no say in who I get to love, the decision is already made for me. I will be stuck with Alexander forever.

"Every Alpha is stronger with a Luna, and when there's a strong king, there's a strong kingdom. But, since Tobias and Alexander are twins, the elders decided there would be no loss if you chose who you wanted to mate with."

"So you're saying whoever I choose will be king?" Isaac looks at me and nods. This can't be happening. I am the fate of this kingdom, the deciding factor on who rules over the packs. I'm glad I have a say on who I get to love, but I don't fancy the idea of choosing who gets to be the king of werewolves.

"Why wouldn't Tobias tell me?"

Isaac pauses, thinking of what to say. Finally, he speaks up, "Maybe he just hasn't had the chance."

Well then now he is going to have that chance. We are going to talk about this, and I'm going to figure out what else he's not telling me. "I have to go find Tobias." 

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