Chapter 6

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"We're going to be late for class, Kathy", I said.
Kathy came to pick me up today. My guess was she wanted to be present if I was given the job. It had already been three days, I hoped they would call soon.
"Oh, come on, we still have like 15 minutes before class starts. I'm even early because we're having English first." Kathy replied, which earned her an automatic eye roll.
She didn't fancy coming early like me, but then did anyone? I would be classified as one of the very few nerds at my school.
I managed to drag Kathy to class five minutes before it was scheduled to start as we waited for the teacher. Actually I was waiting for the teacher while she was waiting for Nate.
Surprisingly, Nate entered the class before the bell rang. He looked over at Kathy, who was already staring at him, and gave her a small smile. This had never happened before, so something big must have happened.
"Kathy, Nate smiled at you. He has never done that before, what's happening?" I asked her, trying to refrain myself from whacking her on the head. She didn't tell me anything.
"I'll tell you after the class." She replied vaguely.
Mrs Lucy, our English teacher, enteres the class with a girl our age.
"Class, this is Charlotte. She's a new student. Charlotte, please introduce yourself to the class." Mrs Lucy said.
"Hi, my name is Charlotte. It's nice meeting you all." The tall, pretty blond-haired girl simply said and made her way to an empty seat. Mrs Lucy soon began to teach after that.
After the class, Kathy and I introduced ourselves to Charlotte.
"Hi Charlotte, I'm Amelia and this is Kathy." I told the girl on our way to the cafeteria.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you. I was already thinking of how to make a friend. Umm, can I follow you guys to the cafeteria?" Charlotte said, uncertainty in her voice.
"Sure, why not? Right, Kathy?" I asked, excepting an affirmative answer. I turned to looking at Kathy who was oblivious to our conversation as she typed away on her phone.
"Kathy?" I asked again. This time, she turned to look at me.
"Sure, you can come with us." She replied, pocketing her phone but not before glancing at it again and laughing. She sure had a lot of explaining to do.
I turned my attention to Charlotte and asked her some questions. By the time we got to the cafeteria, we knew that Charlotte had an older sister, had immigrated from Spain where she had lived her whole life and she had a dog.
"The food here is so nice." Charlotte said, commenting on the food she ordered. She hadn't even tasted it yet.
"We all have a similarity, we love food." I said, to which Kathy nodded her head.
After the lunch break, we heades over to Sports class. As soon as we entered, Nate looked over at Kathy, but she wasn't looking this time though. I sighed and looked away. Why was I always noticing the interactions between the both of them?
As usual, the class was nothing but pointless exercises I knew I would never use. Kathy however seemed to enjoy it, especially as she got to steal glances at Neo without his shirt on.
After the stressful class, a girl who looked like the older version of Charlotte came to pick her up.  I decided to ask Kathy about the obvious elephant on the drive home.
"Kathy, what's going on? You and Nate have been smiling at each other all day, it wasn't like this before." I asked curious to know everything and slightly annoyed she didn't let me in on what had happened.
"Well, yesterday I saw him on my way to the cafe. I don't really know how it happened, but he recognized me from school and walked with me to the cafe. We got talking, exchanged contacts and then he walked me home. We started chatting afterwards. That's just it, it's strange but nice. Now, he is the one noticing me." Kathy explained, looking really happy. Her eyes seemed to be shining.
"Wow, this is surprising. I just hope this is real and it works out for both of you. I'm so happy for you." I said, hugging her. At least, she wouldn't be sighing everytime he passed by and didn't glance at her.
"Hey, I'm driving. Thanks though, I really hope so too. Anyway, I saw Cole in the cafe. He works there, he recognized me and asked about you. He asked if you were doing alright and if you got the job." Kathy offered, as she glanced over at m. I nodded, trying not to smile even though it warmed my chest (not my heart) that he still remembered me.
"Oh, that's nice. I haven't even heard anything about the interview." I replied, trying to change the topic. If I let Kathy, she would probably plan a date between Cole and I.
"I believe they will call soon, Amelia. Just be patient, I know you will get this job."
Kathy dropped me off at my house reminding me to call her when the interviewer calls, before she drove off. The house was empty as usual, I needed to get a pet before the emptiness of the house started messing with my brain. I missed mom during times like these.
Before I could get to the kitchen to prepare some food, my phone rang. The caller ID showed it was coming from Fashionista. Oh my gosh, the interview
"Hello, Good evening Miss Sanders." The voice said immediately I picked. "We would like to see you regarding the interview. The time is 5pm. Thank you." I didn't even get to reply before the call was disconnected.
I checked the time, it was already 4:10pm. I decided to freshen up a bit after which I added a leather jacket to the black trousers and light red top I wore to school.
By the time I got to the venue, it was already 4:40pm. I quickly entered the place to find that from all the applicants I remember, I and two other girls were the only ones here. I suddenly felt nervous all over again
"Miss Sanders, you can go inside now." The receptionist told me.
I entered the office as last time and I saw the same woman who interviewed me. She gestured at the seat opposite her, and I sat down.
She looked down at the folder she held before looking at me. "Miss Sanders." She said, like she wanted to confirm it was me.
"Yes ma." I replied, my heart pounding.
"Do you have any qualifications in fashion?"
"No, I don't. I'm just in my final year in high school." I explained, scared of what she would say next.
"Oh, how old are you?"
"I'm 17."
"Okay. Well you don't have any qualification in fashion, so it's going to be hard to give you a job. Also, you're still a minor, so I need someone to sign some papers." the woman said.
"Oh, okay." I replied, patiently waiting for the woman to tell me to leave her office.
"If you can get that, Amelia Sanders, I will give you the job in Fashionista. Your passion and enthusiasm for designing has earned you a place here." The woman said, smiling at me.
My heart was leaping so fast, I almost ran to hug the woman but I restrained myself. Instead I kept on smiling till my cheeks started to hurt.
"However, you will have to learn a lot. Fashionista has a school where you can learn everything about designing. It's for three years. We won't be able to give you a full pay until you've proved yourself at our school for a year. So for now, your pay will go into the tuition fees and you'll be able to start at the end of your first school year. Is that ok?"
"Yes ma, it is. Thank you, I promise not to disappoint you. Thank you for this opportunity."
"I hope so, too. By the way, my name is Mrs. Tania Martins. Tomorrow by 5:30pm, Miss Anna will introduce you to everyone you will be working with. She's the receptionist, you must have met her." Mrs. Martins told me.
"Yes, I remember her."
"Okay, also get your parents or a legal family member to sign."
"Yes, I will do that. Thanks a lot."
"Okay, that will be all for now." She said. I nodded my head and got out of the building after waving to Miss. Anna.
I quickly called Kathy to inform her about what just happened.
"Hello Kathy, guess what?" I asked immediately she picked the call.
"What happened?" she asked. I knew she already guessed what I was about to say, nut trust her to keep the fun going.
"I got the job!" I replied, screaming into the phone.
"Are you serious? Come quickly, you have to tell me everything in details. Congrats Amelia, I knew you would get this job."
"Okay, I'm on my way." I said as I  began the walk to my second home.

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