chapter 33

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Louis POV

Why is she always so freaking stuborn why won't she tell me? We were doing fine just 20 minuts ago but ofcourse Darla came along and ruined it. Stupid idiot. I probably shouldn't have said that about Jake but it's the truth. I don't want to hurt her but everytime i think we are doing better it all gets worse. Should i appologise? I want her to know i'm not as bad as she thinks i am. "I'm up to my room" i say and get up i really want to be alone now. I let myself fall down in bed taking the pillow next to me and putting it on my face and i start screaming in it. I really need to find a way to let my anger out or i'll just work it all out on Alice and that is the last thing i need now. Oh hell alice her room is still a mess the glass is probably still shattered everywhere and the window is still broken. I get up and go over to her room and clean all the glass i get some wooden bords and nail them against the window " good job Tomlinson" i say admiring my work i go out the door and lock it and head back to my room.

Harry POV

I swear i hate Darla what a bitch, how long will it take before she will realize i don't even like her ,not now, not later and not in a million years. "Alice i think i own you and explaination" i say looking down. "I'm listening" she says not in a good mood. "Well Darla thinks she's my girlfriend but she isn't that's it" i say locking my eyes on the television "Are you kidding me is that all you have to say? she freaking hit me" she says getting angry. "Well yeah there is not more to it" i shrug. "Prick" she mutters. "Heeyyy that's not nice" i pout. "Well you aren't nice so i have no idea why i should be" she says falling back on the couch. "ugh it's so boring here i want to do something" she nags. "Go read a book or something" i say not interested at all. "There are books here?!" she chuckles. "Well i don't know" i say. "I want to go outside please" she says with a pout and puppy dog eyes. "You really think i'm that stupid" i say she rolls her eyes and sighs and keeps still for the entire time. "What is louis doing?" she asks "i don't know" i answer why can't she stop talking i'm concentrating on my tv show "i'm going upstairs" she mutters and get up all i do is nod.

Through the dark (punk Louis Tomlinson) (Collaboration with MyTeddybear_Baloe)Where stories live. Discover now