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Tobias pulled his trunk down the stairs alone. Draco was not allowed to stay for the summer, his father said no, not even Snape could sway him. Tobias feared this meant he would turn up on the Hogwarts express covered in bruises and cuts again. He was hoping that he would be okay, Tobias would be immediately checking his boyfriend over. He pulled his trunk out the kitchen after Tobias grabbed a single muffin, he had other sweets in his backpack but those are for the train. His mother (Tonks) had been at work, so she was asleep and said he could leave by himself. The pair didn't live so far from Kings Cross, so it was a safe trip to make.

He walked over to the wall and didn't stop, he walked straight through and entered into the platform of magic once more. He saw Draco climb onto the train, just like Christmas break he climbed on and walked down. Just like before, Crabbe and Goyle warned him to stay away. Again, he didn't listen. It was deja vu, Draco screamed at him to leave. Tobias stayed and in silence watched his boyfriend.

'Come here.' Draco stood at the words Tobias spoke, he slumped into his chest. Tobias already felt the cuts through his shirt.
'You need to tell someone Draco. Your father can't keep doing this.' Tobias wrapped his arms softly around Draco.
'Who? Snape couldn't do anything, not with his status. It wouldn't work.' This was a problem.
'True. Not many would believe you'd be abused because everyone expects you to be spoiled.' Tobias commented thoughtfully, he tried to map out all of the possible situations.
'I can't, I can't see a way this will work out for you. Nobody would believe us.' Tobias sighed.
'We could still tell Professor Snape. He could help with potions and making sure that you are okay.' Tobias added slowly.
'We could, but I would need you there to help explain everything.' Draco said, Tobias said nothing but wrapped his two hands around Draco's one.

The whole train ride went smoothly, for the most part. Hermione came looking for him, only to see him laughing with Draco. He didn't go after her, he was to busy laughing with his boyfriend. His boyfriend who was suffering because of him, ways he couldn't even imagine. Draco had told him everything, every act his father had done. His worst had to have been the belt, he couldn't imagine that having been hit by a school girls skipping rope on the way home was enough. He didn't want Draco hurting anymore, not because of him. So he had to do something. Quickly. He left it for now, he didn't want to ruin the boys current state. Happy.

They climbed off the train and into a carriage, he followed Marcus Flint who showed them the way, Hagrid had been showing the first years. He would think back to that day, Harry hadn't judged him for his preference in friends, for his house. Seamus played a drama queen, one of his fondest memories, he still can't believe he got away with those dark blue jeans. He also couldn't believe what he had asked Professor Snape one day, it was so embarrassing when Marcus had explained it to him. He then remembered when he had slept with Professor Snape in his quarters, he loved that night. A lot of the Slytherins had been shocked at how such a looming, dark Professor could have taken to a small boy so quickly. Tobias was shocked, he had no clue why except maybe for the fact he was his Godson. He was glad the man liked him though, it made his time easier at Hogwarts. This was how the carriage ride went, Tobias reminiscing about his first year. Myrtles late night talks, those few moments with his brother, Hermione, Pansy was funny, Seamus and Dean. He hoped this year was better, or ended a little better this year. He knew it would start badly, not just for him.

After his fellow Slytherins found their seats on the table, which had moved to the far left of the hall. He was unaware of why the moved the tables, Tobias saw this as insignificant and confusing but he didn't care. He knew Ron's little sister Ginny, started this year, so he was excited to see the only girl of the family of seven. The sorting began and it felt weird for him to be watching, he only now noticed what was wrong with the hall. With Gryffindor table in particular, no Ron or Harry. Nor was there his Godfather. This really confused Tobias, he let his gaze drop from the stool who had just sorted Ginny Weasley into Gryffindor. Focused on the table, he was unmoved and tried to connect with Harry.

Where are you Harry?
With Snape, he is yelling at us.
What? Why?
Ron and I flew his dads enchanted car from Kings Cross to Hogwarts, crashed into the Whomping Willow and were seen by no less than seven Muggles.
You're an idiot.
I know.
Honestly, a flying car, how dense can you be brother.
You've been spending to much time with Snape. You're beginning to sound like him.

Tobias was cut off, Draco had shoved him so hard he lost concentration. After confirming his well being, as well as explaining what he had been doing. Draco filled up Tobias's plate, he forced him to eat. Tobias hadn't the gut to tell him that the connection had made him nauseated. Not with what he had planned for the dormitory.


After a large dinner Draco sat on the bed with Tobias, he had no clue where to start a conversation. So he just enjoyed his boyfriends company.

'I don't want you to suffer anymore.'
'What?' Draco sat up from the laying position.
'You're suffering because of me, I don't want that.'
'So terminate our friendship. Our relationship!' Draco looked hurt.
'Not our friendship. Our relationship- yes. Until we can support ourselves so that way, we can leave or you can leave your home and not...die.' Tobias trailed off towards the end.
'Tobias I- I don't know how to respond.' Draco seemed pained, as if he was working out the meaning of life.
'I just think it will be for the best. Until we are older. That is what you said right?'
'Yeah, yeah it was.' Draco uttered under his breath.
'So, do you agree, we can obviously still be friends. I would speak to everyday even if you ignored me. I'll reply as if you did, I'm not giving up on you.' Tobias wanted to make sure Draco knew he still cared.
'You're right. This is for the best. I won't get hurt anymore, we remain friends. That's... that.' Draco said, confirming facts for himself. Not Tobias.

Tobias nodded and then left, Draco wanted to sleep things away. He wished he could do the same, but he couldn't, so he went to Severus. In hopes for comfort. He knocked on the office door, not his quarters, the Professor had night rounds.

'Enter.' Permitted the voice that would chill most students, for him it was comfort.
'Hello, can I tell you something?' Tobias sat in his chair, the one Severus had put aside for the boy special.
'Anything.' Severus closes his books, pushed them aside and rolled up the parchment he had out. He put his full attention towards the child in front of him.
'I broke up with Draco, because of what his father was doing. Now I'm sad and can't sleep, but it was for the best. So now what do I do? Did I ruin any chance with him?' Severus couldn't believe the boy sought relationship advice from him, yet he did.
'Can I tell you something?' Severus smirked at his word play.
'Anything.' Clever boy, Severus smiled at the young ones word play.
'I was in the exact same position when I was sixteen, with the most beautiful red headed girl I had ever set eyes on.' Tobias was stunned the man had a crush.
'Who was she? What happened?'

Tobias Potter// Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now