Chapter 18~

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{Zane's POV}

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon, and I get off the couch, carefully stepping over Garroth so I don't hurt him. I walk in the kitchen to see Dante, standing at the stove, cooking bacon.

"Oh, hey Zane.." He says, looking guilty.

I ignore him, my gaze still fixed on the pancakes and bacon on the stove.

"Hungry, huh? Well you'll have to wait until everyone else wakes up." He says, looking back down at the pancakes and bacon.

"Do we have eggs?" I ask suddenly, and he looks back up at me.

"I think there's some in the fridge." He says.

I pull out the eggs, standing next to Dante at the stove. "Do they have another pan?" I ask, and Dante points to a cupboard. I pull out another pan, placing it on the stove. I turn on the heat, grabbing an extra bowl and cracking the eggs inside, pouring in a bit of milk. I crack the eggs in, one by one, whisking them together, and head back to the pan. I slide the eggs into the pan.

"You seem like a good cook." Dante says, pulling the bacon and the last pancake off the pans.

"My brothers seem to like my cooking." I say, shifting the eggs around the pan. "Vylad's favorite is my pancakes." I say, chuckling.

"Oh? He'll have to try mine then." Dante says, turning off the heat on his plates on the stove. "I'll go wake everyone up." He says, heading out of the kitchen, leaving me to finish the eggs.


Vylad held the fluffy delights over his head. "ALL MINE!" He yells, causing Dante to laugh.

"Told you he likes pancakes." I say, making Vylad's head turn to me.

"When were you and Dante talking?" He asks, looking between the two of us.

"Who do you think cooked the eggs?" I chuckle.

"They did taste familiar. But I thought Dante made them." Vylad says, looking to his blue-haired boyfriend.

"Nope, Zane did." Dante says, smiling at me. "They were good, Zane."

Vylad nods. "Amazing as always!"

"Thanks guys." I say, and Vylad runs off, presumably to Garroth to show him his prize.

"Hey Zane..? I'm sorry about yesterday..." Dante says, rubbing the back of his neck.

At first I was a bit confused, but then I understood.

Dante smirks in response. "Dare you to kiss the person next to you."

"Oh, yeah, that." I say, looking to the side.

"I thought Travis would choose Kacey, truthfully. Since you two are good friends." He says. "Vylad told me you don't exactly trust easily."

"How much did Vylad tell you about me?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"Um... A bit. But to be honest, most of the time I don't go off of what people tell me about themselves or other people. I like to base my opinions on what I find out." He smiles a bit. "That's actually how I met Vylad."

"Oh? I'd like to hear this story." I say, and I sit on the couch across from Dante's.

"Oh, well..."

~Le flashbaaaack~

"Hey Dante, your man finally posted another picture." Travis says, smirking.

"He did?" Dante says, frantically pulling out his phone.

"Yeah, he did. I don't trust him though, he looks like a snob." Travis says, looking down at his phone.

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