Chapter 7: The Ames Story

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   ~Hey Readers, 

   First off THANK YOU SO FRICKIN MUCH! I am so happy to know that people actually like what I write and are excited to keep reading. Trust me, it is an amazing feeling. I can't begin to express how much I am thankful for the reads. 

   Secondly, I have been dying to get to this chapter for so long just because we get to see Charlotte's background, why her name seems powerful among putebloods, and how it's Jackson, Thomas, and Ashton who have more of the story than anyone else. As for what dangers lay ahead, all I can say it do not forget the note from an earlier chapter. 

   Lastly, I've had a fanfic idea floating around in my head and it's based off Big Hero 6. This is honestly one of my favorite movies so I want to write a fic taking place about a year after the movie. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any ideas or headcannons I should use.

  Thanks for all the reads and voted, Felicity~

   Charlotte walked with the rest of the Gryffindors through the corridors to their dormitory. She stood with Percy, who was talking to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Sadly, she hadn't spoken to them since Diagon Alley. It's not because they were mad at her, they probably were, but she just has been so disoriented that it's  been hard to get a word out to anyone other than Percy or Draco. 

   Charlotte glanced at Harry, who was deep in conversation with Percy. It was like she wasn't there at all. She sighed as she broke away from the group. One of the few things she was good at, disappearing. She wandered around the now empty corridors, looking around at the moving portraits on the walls as she passed. She heard whispers from the portraits, but ignored them. She needed to breathe, to find these boys, to think. Nothing would make her feel better. 

   Charlotte ran a finger along the edge of the picture frames, the decorations etched into the smooth wood felt amazing to her touch. "Amazing right?" Someone called from behind her. Her dagger was nearly out of its sheath. "Whoa relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're the Ames girl right? I'm Jack, a Hufflepuff."

   "You're one  of the boys who stood as my name was called." She commented as she put her dagger away. 

   "You noticed. I'm glad." 


   "Ah," he responded. "Follow me and you'll get you're answers." His smile was wide, Charlotte began trying to calculate his movements. It was close to how she herself moved. Very deliberately, with a sort of calculated flow to him.

   Jack started walking away, Charlotte next to him. "What is so important that I cannot get a straight answer?"

   "Oh you'll see, we're gonna meet my brothers Ashton and Thomas, the other two who stood if you were wondering." He added with a smile. "Ash is in Ravenclaw and Thomas is in Slytherin." Charlotte nodded. 

   They walked until they met up with two boys who stood in front of a painting that had a beautiful woman inside. She seemed to smile at the the four of them. "Well there's Jackie with miss Ames." The boy closest to the painting called. He had the look of a Slytherin but the air of a child of Athena. Was that possible? 

   Jackson smiled at the boy, "yeah tom. How did you get out of your duties again?"

   "Well, what Snape doesn't know can't hurt him." Thomas shrugged. 

   The other boy rolled his eyes at his brother, "and this is wise how? Snape will give you year long detention if you keep this up."

   "Hey I'll be back." He snapped, "Anyways it's not like-"

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