Gonna be in a school play this year

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Hey guys! It's you're girl Tashi here!

So this year I Finally decided to join the school play, and this year we are doing the little mermaid.

It's my first time in forever being in a school play. My first time was when I was in kindergarten doing Cinderella and I was a mice and I accidentally ripped Cinderella's pink dress (a girl fell an pushed me on accident and made me rip the dress at the stepsisters were supposed to rip)

So anyways I'm play a starfish and a sassy maid in this play and yes I am the shortest maid not only that my maid costume is the only costume that came all the other costumes aren't even here yet. Except for my costume! Me and the other maids got to try on our costumes!

Mine was too big and too long big  for me one of the maids said that should have gotten an extra small instead of a small and the my friend who is also one of the maids said. "No offense but you're just too skinny for this one. I think we'll just have to order you a new one or you start eating more."

And I didn't want to eat more because I'm orthorexic and yeah 🙄🙄🙄 and that's how I lost a lot of weight. Plus eating every three hours.

Well that's all bye

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