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Hello, it's Ayshia here. Welcome to my world of very, very, cringy graphics. As we start this cringy journey, let me first introduce you to the rules:

Rule #1: No STEALING covers

Every graphic designer works super hard to make the perfect cover for the requester. Oftentimes, the process of graphic designing goes like this: *tries to find inspiration and the right pictures for the cover*, *sits there scrolling through the Internet trying to find the most fitting picture for the story - sometimes, this may take hours or days*, *swamped with struggles of life, but still wishes to create the perfect cover*, and finally, after many agonizing days is done with the perfect cover.

So, in other words, do not, I repeat, do not steal my covers or any other graphic designers' covers. If you do, I'll bring Natsu with me and we'll both hunt you down.

Rule #2: Be patient

Now, yes, I'm probably the biggest geek that'll you'll ever meet, but just because I am, does not mean that I don't have a life. I have friends. I have school. And I have family. So, there will be times, like most likely these next two weeks due to exams, I will be busy.

However, I do have a lot of time on my shoulders. So, I should be able to get you your cover a couple days after you ask for it and fill out the form.

Rule #3: No add ons

If you add things onto the cover that I had already made for you and call it yours, we will have some very serious problems. Again, I work very hard on my covers that I make for you. So, do not add onto them. If there is something that you don't like, pm me and let me know. I will try to fix it.

Rule #4: Fufill the Full Payment

If you do not fulfill the full payment, you will not be receiving the cover.

Rule #5: Use Time

Your cover must be used for at least a minimum of five days. And your book must be published. If not, you will not be getting the cover until the book is published.

Rule #6: Nothing inappropriate

I do not tolerate inappropriate media. So, please, do not ask for it.

Finally, after that set of rules, here are some examples of my covers:

Finally, after that set of rules, here are some examples of my covers:

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