Chapter 15: More Seer Problems

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"It's not fair. You get spoilers for books from Lily and I get spoilers for the future! Lucky." I nudged Severus, taking the strawberry from his plate.

How does it even get there?

"I don't understand you, Severus. You hate strawberries, we get our own food, yet one is always on your plate?" I giggled.

"Oh, shut up! Maybe I'm. . . blind?" He shook his head.

"Wait. Can't blind people can still feel textures? Then they would be able to feel how a strawberry felt!" I took a bite from the fruit, grinning.

He gave me a smile. "It's nice to see you smiling again,"

I smiled back. "It's nice to hear that,"

"So, have you talked to Lupin, or anyone other than me and Lily? Because I heard what happened with Reg. . ." I soghee, shaking my head.

"I want to talk to Alex, he just. . . I haven't tried talking to Remus yet, but maybe I should. I'll see you later," I stood up, getting my books.

I rushed to the only place I think Remus would be : At Divination Class.

I opened the class door, ignoring all of the glances of the Marauders, especially Sirius'.

"Excuse me, Professer, but Headmaster Dumbledore would like to see Remus in his office." Remus paled, causing me to crack a smile.

My eyes caught dirty blonde hair. Of course it was Alex, and he ignored my attempt to eye contact.

"-Lia?" I turned, to see Remus standing before me.

"Oh, right. Dumbledore's office, come along Mr. Lupin." I pulled Remus out of the doorway, springing into a run and pulling him with me.

"Since when do you call me 'Mr. Lupin'? Don't tell me you're mad at me too!" I stopped running, looking around before pushing him into a broom cupboard.

"I have a feeling you're going to murder me and hide my body here."

"Remus, I need to talk to you." I looked around again, before stepping inside and closing the door.

"What is it?"

I sighed, slumping onto a mop bucket. "I wanted to talk to you about everything-" I was interupted.

He embraced me into a hug, causing me to frown and hug him back. Like always, he smelled like ink, and the chocolate in his pocket.

It was nice to know I had another friend.

He let go, a sad smile on his face.

"What was that?"

"I just figured you needed one." I smiled, getting back to the subject.

"When I tell you this, you have to promise you won't tell anyone. Especially Sirius." He nodded, as I stuck my pinkie out.


"You do this a lot, but I promise." He looped his with mine, before I took in a deep breath.

"Me and Sirius get married and have a kid."


"I know, Olivia. Alex told me." Alex did what? He told Remus. . .

"That son of a-!"

"Because I asked him!" I sat back down, my eyes widening.


"I had a feeling. You and Sirius are my best friends, I can't let you two just drift apart because of some stupid arguement! He cares about you Olivia, whether you want to believe it or not."

I sighed, ignoring his gaze.

"I just want to scream. Go somewhere where I can scream and get rid of all my problems. Go somewhere I'm not a Seer, somewhere I'm not mad at Sirius. Just scream and cry my head off until I had nothing left in me, and I felt better.

"Somewhere I had family."

"You do have family. You know how you always say I'm like a brother, and James the weird cousin, and Peter the little brother you always wanted? And Sirius. . ."

"And Sirius the sassy bitch that was secretly a little, cuddle-loving softie inside that used to hug me like I'd just disappear and continue's to flirt until I burst out laughing? That's what Sirius was."

He chuckled. "Yeah. The secretly softie bitch."

I giggled, shaking my head at him.

"You know, I shouldn't be telling you this, but a few nights ago Sirius told me-"

"THERE YOU ARE, MOONY. . . and Lia?" James had burst through the door, causing me to jump.

"James! Don't do that." He chuckled, closing the door behind him and coming in.


"So, what are you talking about?"

"Before you burst through the freaking door, we were talking about Sirius and how he's a soft bitch-"

"Oh yeah! Padfoot. . . . misses you." He looked at Remus for obvious help.

"Well he can suck it. I don't want to talk to that git, or see him. Because I'm not apologizing anytime soon. Actually, he's the one that needs to apologize." James groaned loudly.

"You two are perfect for each other, I can see why you two are a thing in the future." He smirked a little.

Remus slowly backed into a corner, taking chocolate from his pocket and holding it out to me. "Eat. You'll feel better."

"I'm fine."

"You always sat that. Just eat it, trust me, you'll feel better." James handed me the chocolate.

"Fine. But if I start jumping on the walls it's your fault."

I took a bite of the chocolate, and I hate to say that they were right. A familiar warmth coursed through me, making me smile.

"Now I see why you always carry chocolate."

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