19| Stronger Than Ever.

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-'Cause I'm a big boy, an  adult, now or nearly••••        ••••       ••••

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-'Cause I'm a big boy, an  adult, now or nearly
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America's Spazzheart.

A spoofed up version of the ideal nickname, America's Sweetheart. 

As much as Sully hated the nickname, she could not deny that she was a spazz. She is awkward, clumsy at most times, and has horrible luck almost every day. But she was also super sweet. The blonde somehow knew when someone was having a bad day, or isn't feeling well, so she would go out of her way to do something nice for them, and help them feel better.

Hence, why she was currently getting ready to battle the cold winds of Hawkins Indiana to hand Johnathan Byers the work he missed in Chemistry. She realized the mistake she made seeing as she was suppose to hand it over to him yesterday, but with her aunt being in town, and her mother hosting a last minute dinner, she just didn't find the time.

Sully liked the boy. He was sweet, but reclusive, which causes everyone to make fun of him because they can't handle people who are different and she found it very sad.

She remembered when there was a time she had a crush on the quiet boy, but she grew out of it after two months because he was too quiet for her taste. She realized she wanted someone with a little edge, and lively, and Johnathan Byers was not it.

She leaned over to double check that her shoes were tied before burying herself in her scarf, as she trudged down the stairs. Rose Tyrell was on the phone with Karen Wheeler when her eyes landed on her eldest daughter waddling past her, wearing thick winter clothes.

"Hold up, Karen. It's Sully." Rose breathed into the phone, and that's all the Wheeler had to hear to understand seeing as she knew all about the teen's antics. "Where are you going?" The older blonde called out.

"Out." Sully's voice came out muffled due to the scarf wrapped around her mouth.

"Weren't you just ill earlier today?" Rose questioned her daughter, not liking the idea of Sully leaving the house when it's cold out, and right when the sun is going down.

"I wasn't really sick. Just a small headache. Plus, I'm feeling better now. I have to stop by the Byers house and drop this off, it's homework for Johnathan. I was suppose to hand it to him yesterday, but the Hargrove's came over for dinner." Sully explained all in one breath, waving the folder around.

"Well, how do you plan on getting there?" Rose asked. She would allow her daughter to leave if she had proper transportation. "If I remember correctly, you lost your new bike."

The blonde wanted to correct her mother that it was actually Billy who left her bike on the middle of the road after she rode right into his speeding car, but she wasn't sure on what reaction she may receive, so she gave her mom a meek shrug. "I was just gonna borrow Lucas's bike. The Byers aren't that far from us."

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