Chapter 11

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Alice stopped walking when she saw the outline of a little cottage hidden behind the trees.

Then she picked up her skirts and ran, not bothering to check if Ralph was following her.

She stopped only when she reached the clearing where the small building was situated.

"Look, Ralph!" she exclaimed excitedly when she heard his footsteps behind her.

He chuckled, looking at her with an absurd expression.

"Aren't you excited? We could probably ask the people living here for some food and water," she questioned.

"Nobody lives here," Ralph said, walking past her.

"How do you know?" She asked, following him into the cottage.

"Because the war office owns this place," he grinned, kicking open the unlocked door.

"Why would the war office need a place like this?" she asked, confused.

"For instances such as these. We've used it for secretive meetings and trapping criminals too," he boasted.

"And no one would suspect anything to be afoot in such a quaint little place," she laughed at how silly these spies could be.

"So those men won't look here?"

"No, they wouldn't look so deep into the woods. My guess is that they'd search by the town."

"When will we return then?"


"So we stay here tonight?" Alice squeaked.

"This is no time to be missish, Alice. I'll make sure no harm comes to your reputation. No one would suspect anything. It's not safe to leave here tonight, I hope you understand..." he said, sitting on the single cot.

Alice just nodded, he was right. Her friends would think she's at her home and her parents would think that she'd stayed over with her friends, so they wouldn't worry. Besides, she wasn't the sort to put her reputation above her safety, she was too practical for that.

She took in the sight of him removing his coat, licking her dry lips nervously.

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you," Ralph chuckled.

"I wouldn't let you," she sniffed, occupying an empty chair in the sparsely furnished room.

"I don't want to ruin you, Alice," Ralph grinned.

"I wouldn't let you even if you wanted to," she said pertly.

"Good god, woman," he laughed at her. While his laugh did strange things to her insides, she'd rather she wasn't the subject to his amusement.

"You're thirsty and hungry, I presume?I know I'm starving," he said once he'd stripped himself to his shirtsleeves and breeches leaving Alice a deep shade of red.

She could only manage a shaky nod.

He stood up and went outside. She got up and made her way to the doorway to find him pumping water into a bucket.

She leaned against the door frame, unable to take her eyes off him.

He was quite an attractive man, she thought grudgingly as the muscles by his shoulder blades moved with his movements. His arms were well muscled too. He appeared lean in his coat due to his height, but now...

Oh lord, she was acting like a wanton! But what was she to do if he had a drool worthy body?

"What are you thinking about?" He called, looking at her sideways.

"Your muscles."

"You have no filter, do you?" he laughed self consciously.

Alice shook her head sheepishly.

She didn't know how to act around him anymore. She felt guilty, embarrassed, wretched for judging him so. He'd never deserved her ire and yet he'd kept silent. Ralph was a remarkable man, she realised. And with that realisation came something else, something she wasn't ready to dwell on just now.

"I feel useless, is there something I can do?" she asked suddenly.

"Alice, you've had a rough day. I suggest you rest."

"I know! I'll find something to eat," she said running back inside, deciding to ignore him.

When Ralph entered the cottage after collecting dry wood for the fireplace and doing a customary inspection of their surroundings, it was quite late. The mouthwatering smell of  freshly prepared stew welcomed him. And there by the small kitchen was Alice, slicing potatoes and singing to herself.

Ralph bit back a smile at how awful she sounded.

He took a moment to drink in the sight of her in the soft glow, she looked worn out, happy, ethereal. The light from the sole lantern glinted off her coppery hair just so, making her look like an angel. But she was no angel, she was a siren, a she devil who tormented him in his dreams.

"Oh you're back!" she smiled when she caught him standing there.

"You've managed quite a meal, I didn't know you could cook," He signalled to the pot of stew on the stove, her smile affecting him the way it always did. But he hid it, the way he always did.

"It's not much. But the larder was surprisingly well stocked," she shrugged happily.

Ralph just nodded. They always kept this cottage well stocked.

"Shall we dine then?" she asked, looking at him expectantly.

"I don't see why not."

They settled in their seats with the food when Ralph suddenly stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"What now?" Alice asked.

"I know we have a bottle of wine somewhere in here," he called out from within.

"That's splendid," Alice sighed as he walked out victoriously with the bottle and two glasses in his hands.

Alice immediately clutched the glass, ready to gulp down the sweet wine, but Ralph stopped her.

"You should eat something first," he advised.

"Oh alright," she grumbled, swallowing her food.

"This tastes amazing," Ralph murmured, eating his food enthusiastically.

"I'm a woman of many talents," she grinned.

They ate in companionable silence for a while and then Alice cleared her throat.

"I must apologise for the way I've treated you, Ralph."

"It's fine, Alice. You couldn't have known."

"Yes, but I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, I always thought the worst of you. I hope you don't hold me in contempt..."


If only he could tell her, show her just what she meant to him.

"Alice, please. I do not blame you for what happened. You believed what you saw, let it go."

She only nodded.

"So now that you know my secret, how about you tell me yours?" He asked as Alice made to eat.

Her hand stopped midway, the spoonful of stew suspended in the air.

To tame an Earl (four hoydens #2) Where stories live. Discover now