Chapter 24 - The Suzie Trial

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"All I'm saying is that if our secret gets out, we'll have no one to blame but this reckless, irresponsible, unfit human," one of the elders spits out in my direction.

Okay, okay, let me backtrack.

The day after Onai's little visit to my house, Brittany texted me to go to school like normal and not raise suspicion in my family. "Everything is under control," she said when I called her to be sure it was her and not some imposter trying to take my life.

I was extremely confused on account of the fact that Onai and I were nearly killed the day before, but hey, I was in no position to argue with her. I figured, where could I be more safe than in a building full of pack members? Haha, note the sarcasm. I didn't understand anything then, not like I do now, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I said my goodbyes to everyone in the morning and then I went to school with Michael like usual. He tried to talk to me about the details of werewolves and the town, but like yesterday, I refused to. I figured I had already said too much.

Everything was normal until a blaring noise filled the hallways and classrooms. I was in second period beside Aiden and I nearly knocked him out with a pencil. It flew out of my hands as I jumped up. What was that? I looked at Ms. Baines. Aiden (glaring at me). Onai. The rest of the students who all looked a little too calm. I knew they were werewolves, but a tornado wouldn't spare any of us. A fire would burn us all.

In my panic, I was informed of what was going on. The noise was the signal for a lockdown of the entire town. My family would probably be told that a wild animal was on the loose, or maybe a killer, or maybe a gas leak, but all the werewolves would know a trial was going on.

Someone was being weeded out, and naturally the alphas, luna, and other notable personnel would have to attend.

That's why I'm here now, in a large room full of angry people, being chewed out for no reason by some wrinkly guy who looks like he needs an Aspirin. His afro is short, nearly shaved down to a buzzcut, and his stormy grey eyes could kill someone. Namely me.

"She went into her house with an injured werewolf," he says it like it's a joke, Onai being a werewolf, and I don't understand why. "Potentially revealing our secret to her entire family."

I don't miss the way Onai's eyes narrow.

Axel has a similar expression, except he just looks extremely disappointed. "As if the secret was the greatest thing at risk yesterday, and not the lives of our pack members."

The old people nearly start frothing at the mouth.

"I'll tell you what, young man," an old lady with ice blue eyes holds her chest.

Carson glares at her. "That's Alpha to you, old lady."

I nearly smack my forehead.

The old lady gasps, putting a hand over her mouth. She mutters, "Lady Luna, what have you done to us?"

Aiden and Axel give Carson a look, but he doesn't take it the right way. He looks proud, nodding back at Axel like, I got you, man. But in Carson's defense, he did come in here very professional. He was a lot more mature than I'd ever seen, but after about a dozen foolish comments from these lovely people he reached his breaking point. Along with the rest of us.

Suddenly a middle-aged man stands up. He's in a suit like most of the other "elders" and advisors. But above the sleek, black fabric, he has extremely curly, slicked back hair. He adjusts it and stands towards the front. "I understand your concerns, Alphas. It would've been a great loss to our society if the lives of either your imprint," he clearly refuses to call me luna, "or..." he looks Onai up and down. "One of our betas was lost. However, that doesn't change the most egregious risk that befell our great nation. If she had—"

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