Chapter 12- I do (do I)

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Song– helium by Sia

Sebastian's POV

         The choir was playing the wedding processional hymn, I can believe I'm getting married, my groomsmen were standing by my side and my Best man James, was constantly giving me pats on the back because he knew how nervous I was. A lot of people were here from high ranking Nobles and highborn to commoners, most people here wanted to know who there new princess was and who their next Queen will be. Finally after two whole weeks of being kept in suspense I'm going to meet  my supposed bride, I wonder who she is, shit its about to start.

    Her bridal train was marching in with grace and style starting from the little bride who was a little cutie to the flower girls in their pink gowns holding and splattering flowers on the ground next were her bridesmaids in purple dresses looking smokingly hot and sexy, wait is that Cassandra from school and the other girl looks familiar she's from school too do they know my bride. Both of them and the other bridesmaids walked down the aisle and next was her maid of honor in her smashing golden slick dress.

    Finally the woman of the hour walked in with her father clutching his hand tightly with her head down God she looked beautiful, even without seeing her face I knew she was beautiful. I craned my neck and straightened my body trying to catch a glimpse of her face but she was doing well at hiding it. They continued walking down the aisle and her dad whispered something to her and she reluctantly raised her head I felt my eyes widen to the size of saucers and she smiled slightly. Damn this was girl I bumped into on my first day of school, she was the first person to ever talk back to me what's her name again. I suddenly remembered wat mom said.

"Dear, I'm not telling u,who she is, I'm leaving that for the wedding day  but I can tell you she is a beautiful, humble,smart,kind, lovely, sweet girl and she is in your grade."

Now I remember her name was Fiona and she was in my grade hell she was in all my classes. She stood next to me and her dad returned to his seat. The officiating priest was talking but I couldn't hear a thing he was saying I was staring at the beautiful girl in my front, how did I never notice her before now. Shit wat is wrong with me, why am I thinking about her like that I barely know her.
  "Prince Sebastian, its time to say the vows." The priest said.
  "Do you, Prince Sebastian Alexander Norman the third, take Fiona Iris Fairmont to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worst, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do u apart?" Wow this was the big question.
    "I do." I said. Claps were heard round the Hall. I cant believe I just said that. The priest turned to Fiona and asked
    "Do you, Fiona Iris Fairmont, take Prince Sebastian Alexander Norman the third, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worst, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you apart?" Everyone was looking at her, hell even I was looking at her nervously, she was looking at her hands as if this was the first time she was seeing them and that there was something special about them. She took a deep breath then looked at me and I smiled at her. She then turned hesitantly to the priest and said
   "I do." Loud cheers and claps were heard all over the place.
  "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Everywhere was suddenly silent as everyone was waiting for us to kiss. Well, here goes nothing, I drew her closer to me as she closed her eyes anticipating the kiss, our foreheads and noses were now touching as I covered the space between us.
    God, her lips were so soft and small as they fitted perfectly with mine, she    tasted like strawberries dipped in nutella  and cause wat the best part was, she was kissing me back. Loud cheers, claps and whistles had now erupted from the crowd who were filled with joy and satisfaction.
Fiona's POV

     He kissed me, Prince Sebastian Alexander Norman the third, crown kissed me and I  kissed him back. He pulled back and gave a lopsided grin.
Cheers and loud clapping was heard round the hall. He held my hand and we walked out of the church.
    I looked at my parents, mum was sitting  sobbing quietly and dad holding her and probably whispering sweet words into her ears to stop her from crying. I tried looking around my surroundings and I locked eyes with a pair of cold icy blue eyes sending a glare my way, they belonged to a beautiful blonde girl in a gorgeous red dress. I raised a questioning eyebrow at her and in turn she hissed, turned and walked away. Okay what the hell just happened. Bitch, I barely know you why the hate. I turned back to look at my husband, wow it felt weird to call him that, he was smiling at the people or was it for the camera, how was I supposed to know, like I said earlier on, he was smiling but it wasn't a real smile. It had no life and his eyes were dull.  I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't want to get married, oh, so that means the kiss was just for a show. It wasn't real. Gosh why do I sound so sad, god Fiona did someone die, stop acting like a pussy. You are married to him whether you like it or not and there is not you can do to change it.    

Hey royals, yes I am going to call you all royals. I'm so sorry it took me so long to write but the inspiration wasn't just there.

   Who is the mysterious glaring girl, I hope she isn't trouble. Anywho, they kissed. Who is freaking excited about the kiss?

* waves hands frantically * me, me,me.

So I'm not suppose to be writing or even reading on wattpad because I've got major exams coming. But who is a bad girl?
*runs round the room with a bat in hand, * don't ask me where I got it fromyelling * me ,me ,me.
*crash* oops, I just broke my lamp.
  *falls on the floor and starts crying * oh Mr lampie don't leave me, no don't, please don't.

Yea, thats just how weird I am. Hope you liked the chapter.

Until next time.

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