"Your brother probably hates me now!"

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Mint Ice: why did you sleep pull me too you?

That's the worst thing you could have done ugh

Marvelous Girl: heh? Why?

Why am I on fault now?

I was asleep I wasn't aware of what I was doing

Mint Ice: why do I have the feeling that's a complete and utter lie?

Marvelous Girl: because idk man I was really really asleep

why did he see us anyways lmao

Mint Ice: If I knew that I would throw it on a paper and give it to you

Marvelous Girl: wow you wouldn't even say it to me!

You are such a nice men *sarcasm*

Mint Ice: yeah cool!

Thanks for making me feel so elated

Marvelous Girl: oh wow

Now you are being sarcastic

Mint Ice: shouldn't I be?

Marvelous Girl: yeah you shouldn't!

God damn boy

Mint Ice: ya know, your brother probably hates me now!

Marvelous Girl: I cry!

Marvelous Girl: I cry!

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See I am crying!

Mint Ice: I-

That's not even you!

That's a random baby crying made into a gif

Marvelous Girl: 🙃

Noooooo that's totally me!

Mint Ice: yeah sure tell that lie to yourself!

Marvelous Girl: hey!

Not cool!

Mint Ice: awww you love me though

Marvelous Girl: the lies you tell yourself!

But you helped me so there might be a mutual understanding between us


Yeah I guess that's what we are!

Mint Ice: well way to make me feel loved 🙃

Marvelous girl: haha I like you though kind of

We are a cliche though!

Mint Ice: I believe we are

So for now bye I might get killed

Tell my mom I loved her

I really like you though 💕

Marvelous Girl: you dramatic lil shit!

I will tell her though

Yeah I like you too

Don't get killed by my brother 💕


Hello, I realized I haven't updated in over 10 days lmao

I am sorry but school started and idk my head hurts again I am tired af still!

But yeah here ya go!

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