The big moment.

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Abigails POV

Omg! It's my birthday and guess what! I'm going to meet the boys from Magcon! I'm sooo excited that im going to meet Brent, Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Matt, Jack G and Jack, JCamerron, Shawn, Cartor, Jacob, and Mahogony. I am sooooo excited!!!!!!!!

I'm going to try to look my best for my birthday. And maybe for the boys. Thats what every 16 year old girl must do on their birthday. And i'm so glad i'm going with my Mom only. Better than with my annoying little brothers. I wish i could go with my 2 best friends Bri, and Ashely. But still this going to be the best day ever!!

I'm just getting finished doing my make up when i hear

my mom say "Hurry up! You don't want to be late for Magcon!" I got dressed really fast, put some higheels on, picked up my pursed and went out the door.

On the way to Magcon my mom stops at Starkbucks and orders 2 vanilla bean frapachinos. ( my favorite). We get our frapachinos and get going. When i got there i saw a bunch of people crying, and trying to get the boy's autographs. That's when i saw the one and only Brent Rivera, wearing a white t-shirt and a gray abricombie hoodie with blue jeans and a green bay pakers snapback.

I kept walking and bought a drink because i finished my starbucks so i wanted something to drink, so i got a Dr.Pepper. I was looking around when suddenly i bumped into somebody and myDr.Pepper was all over him and when i saw his face it was Brent.

------------ Autours note-------------

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