What i thought would never happend.

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Brent POV

I was signing t-shirts and i wanted to go to the bathroom and told hayes

"be right back. I got to go the restroom." I said calmy.

"K be back dont want to miss the show." Hayes said with a smile.

I looked at him and nodded and just left.

I was walking and i was in space when i suderly hit the ground my shirt was all with a drink that i think is Dr. Pepper by the smell and i looked up and there was this girl. I looked at her with a mad face and just started to cuss i didnt really mean it but it was my bew abricombie hoodie i got from my grandmaw i was just really mad at it. I looked at her she started to cry and i wanted to say why I got mad but she just ran away. I went to the bathroom and did my bissnes when i looked in the mirror to wash my hands i was so disapointed in my self when i saw that girl run away like that i just wanted to make everything right.

I looked everywhere for her and coulnt find her. So it was show time and i had to go to the stage and all i though about was that girl in her beutiful pink dress and her higheels that were just really cute. And i just thought to myself what can i do to save this disater?? Can i look for her in the audiencem? Can i just give a shoutout to a person with a pink dress??? What can i do to make this all good as new? I just have to make something for this to be good and I can ask her out because will I was arguing with her I saw a sparkle in her eyes but then I made her cry amd everything when to waist just because i got mad bc she got Dr.Pepper in my new shirt.

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