Can you Hear Me? (T.H.) p1

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1st Person POV

Being born on a ship was not fun. Thirteen years ago, Viola and I were born on these settlement ships that are heading towards New World.

To make things worse, I was born almost deaf. Nobody knew I was almost deaf until I was two when I didn't respond to anyone. Mom had me start learning sign language, so I can say actual words. Dad was working on hearing aids for me, it took him a couple months, but he built them and had me start wearing them.

So while everyone my age was learning vocabulary and spelling, I was being taught words and sign language. Mom and Dad decided a couple years later that Viola should learn too, so in case something happened, we could communicate.

Just like now, our small ship crashed on our way down from the sky. The back of the ship caught on fire, Dad was there in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mom went to go after him. Viola took over the flight of the ship. So I sat there and watched it all happened.

I woke up to nothing. I heard nothing. I felt hot. And where is my family? I saw feet approach me, then someone helping me up a bit.

Viola kneeled in front of me, holding my head in her hands. She stroked the open parts of my ears, smile dropping ever so slowly. Of course, my hearing aids are missing.

I dragged mom and dad outside, they died on the crash landing and I thought I lost you too. Viola moved her hands slowly, its been a while since we've had to use sign language.

Dammit. I signed back to her, a small tear rolling down my face.

The next day arrived, Viola put me under strict rules:

1. No leaving the ship without Viola
2. Don't eat all the food
3. Don't be stupid

Even though I cannot hear her, Viola used to always talk to herself. I haven't seen her mouth move once since I've waken up. Meanwhile, I became bored. So I slept, a lot, cleaned up the messy ship and organized things that was scattered everywhere.

Viola tells me about her days in the forest, she has to hunt and find someone to help us. She hears lots of voices in her head, shouting mostly. On the third day of being here, she came back early. Something about a guy chasing her and praying at the same time. I don't know, she was freaking out too much.

The next morning, she left again, except with a bread knife. I'm just being cautious. Viola told me before she left. Now that worried me. It worried me even more when Viola didn't return to the crashed ship until very late. It scared me. She scared me. He scared me.

Yeah, Viola returned with a guy. Go figure. I also heard him, just like Viola heard other people talking when she went deeper into the swampy area.

"Why won't you just effing talk to me!" the boy screams at my sister. If that wasn't bad enough, my head buzzed with words like POO and STUPID and DEAD over and over again.

All the sudden I see Viola appear at the entrance to the ship. I'm sorry. She quickly moves her hands and rushes towards the broken kitchen. The boy appears next, with a live animal. Not dead like all the other ones Viola brought me.

He spots me first and freezes in terror. I can see it on his face. But his animal friend comes running in after time, chasing me. My natural instinct is to run. I scrambled my way on top of a book shelf, like many times before, and peered over the side to keep watch of my surroundings.

"Who the eff if this? Wait, you two look oddly similar." The boy mouth's move, but I still don't understand what he is saying. He keeps moving his fingers back and forth between me and Viola. How long can it take someone to realize we are related? Or maybe this guy is just stupid.

Y/N, come down, we need to leave. Viola tells me, but I shake my head at her. The dog barks at me again, and I just sink further back on the top shelf.

"Why do yea two keep moving yea hands at each other?" Todd said aloud, but I keep hearing HANDS and TWO coming from the boy. There is definitely something wrong with him.

The last thing Viola grabs are my hearing aids, then she came to "save" me from the live animal. I could tell Todd kept yelling and complaining as I got down from the shelving, but I swear I saw him blush. Well, he did have a good look of my sister when she helped get me down.

Viola set me down on the ground, brushing the dust off the front of my shirt. Stop, stop, STOP IT! I whack my hands in her face, hoping she got the message. Viola huffed in my face and grabbed my hand so we could head out. Todd followed us, eventually. I mean, he is the one leading our group of people, where ever we are going.

This is the first time I have been out of the small ship, since Viola did forbid me from leaving. Her hands would not leave mine while we walked around.

Todd kept looking at us strangely, but I was too unfocused to realize. Every second I'm out in the forest, the more scared I get. My head whips around like a crazy person, just to make sure I'm aware of everything at all times.

"Would yea stop that?" Todd yells, spinning around to face me. All I hear is STOP multiple times and when I turn around to face him, I run into his body. He catches the side of my arms, causing Viola to let go of my hand. "Why the eff do you keep looking around?"

Still, I have no clue what he is saying. Viola must of heard him loud and clear, because I see her out of the corner of my eye and slap the boy across his face.

Why did you slap him? I thought he was helping me. I tell Viola, and look down at Todd on the ground.

Let's just keep going, we don't have much time left for walking today. Viola ignores everything that just happened and grabbed my hands again.

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