•50- Jealousy

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Alpha Jack wraps his arm around my waist, sniffing my hair as we sit in the back of his limousine. He is rich, famous, and everything Ace is not. Well, I think Ace is rich.

I miss him, I want him to come rescue me. It may sound pretty pathetic and I blame myself for this, but I cannot take down an alpha. Im nothing special, people only think Im something because Im mates with a killer.

"We are here," Alpha Jack says, petting my hair lightly. He opens his door, pulling me out with him. He keeps me close by as we walk towards a white mansion.

Four large columns hold up the second floor roof. A balcony is above the centre door with plants dangling down. Bricks lined the raised porch, giving it a clasical feel. There lied a couple bay window on the left side of the house. I must admit, the place is wonderful, but this isnt the time.

"Beautiful, isnt it?" Alpha Jack brings me back to reality, stunning me a bit. I loom over and see him smilimg as if nothing is wrong. "Off we go."

We enter through the large double doors, that lead us to an entrance hall with a couple stairways. He lets go of me, taking a few steps forward before spinning to face me. He claps his hands and I hear feet scrambling around.

Soon a bunch of maids and butlers line up together, bowing to Alpha Jack. My lip quivers, feeling a really nervous.

"Code 289," he says, all the people rush off to do their job. He turns back to me, "And you, lets have a little talk." My arm is tugged at once more and we go up the stairs and into a library.

"You know, Ace is looking for you."

"Well, duh. He cant do much without me around," I say, looking up at the chandelier to avoid eye contact. Its true, he is probably weaker than usual because Im not around. We rely on eachother, not that we like it all the time.

Alpha Jack snickers at my instant response, "Seems like he has a tough one on his hands."

We are silent for a moment and I hear the door open very slowly. I turn to look to see who it is, a small girl with short, black hair. She is wearing a large hoodie with ripped jeans and a minimal amount of makeup.

Alpha Jack sighs loudly, laying his head back on the couch. All I saw was sadness and dissappointment in his eyes. "What do you want Melony?" He asks, closing his eyes.

She holds her sleeve up to her mouth in shyness, "W-would you like to eat dinner with me?" She asks, blushing deeply.

I wonder if, if she is Jack's mate. That'd be interesting, but it seems like he doesnt want her as a mate. While she doesnt look like Luna material, you never know. When a shy person comes out of their shell, they are some of the best people you will ever meet.

He lets out a snobby grunt, "No, get out of here!" I glance over, wondering why he is acting so rude to her. She looks harmless to me.

I stay quiet, this is not my business to be in. If Melony really is his mate, then she needs to fix it herself. Its nothing rude, just mates need to connect themselves.

"Oh alright," Melony says, sounding sad as she walked out, making sure to quiet.

"Now that's over," Alpha Jack pushes me onto the couch, hovering over me. "Lets have some have fu-u-un."

My wolf growls, but suddenly stop. She feels around my head, as if searching for something. Alpha Jack stops, growling, but not at me. I sniff the air, smelling my favorite scents.

"I was expecting this," Alpha Jack says. Getting off me and brushing himself off.  "I guess it is time for me to do my part."

He walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I stand up, panting with anxiety. He's here, really here.

I run over to the dark oak wood door, trying to open it. It didnt budge, meaning that Alpha Jack had locked it. Thats not going to hold me back though.

I grab one of the chairs, tossing it at the door and failing. Well, I did break the chair, if thats an accomplishment.

"Get the fuck out of my way bitch!" Ace shouts, pushing people around. I could hear their moans of pain along with running.

A second pair of steps stand infront of the door, "We both know why youre here, she's in here," Alpua Jack says, tapping on the door with his fingers.

"Fuck you, you stupid son of a cock sucking stupid bi-" Ace was caught by the stomp of a foot.

I slide down the door, listening closely as my wolf and I yearned for Ace. "Always so rude. Anyways, hiw did you get here? Through Olivia?" He asks, sounding pretty specific.

I wait for an answer, but I didnt hear anything only the wind pounding against the window.

Suddenly I hear Ave growl and shift, attacking Alpha Jack. A loud noise is made when someones body hits the door.

I bite my lip, looking back around the room to see the shattered chair laying a few feet away from me. I grab one of the legs and swing at the doorknob, making it fall into pieces around my feet.

I pull out the rest and open the door, only for Alpha Jack's body to fall on my feet. I hop back, startled. With my heart beating fast, I frown and take the perfect shot to kick him hard in the face. Fuck you too.

Ace wags his tail, staring up at me with his wolf's eyes. I smile lightly as he runs over and knocks me down, "Ow, youre gonna cause me a concussion!" I joke.

He shoves his snout into the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent deeply. I pet him, not minding to much. A mate can calm the other down, and Ace really needs it.

My head snaps over to the door when I hear Alpha Jack slowly getting up. "Fuck you Ace," he pauses, breathing heavily, "I fucking hate everything about this family. Kill me, id rather be dead-"

Ace accepted his request and killed him almost immediately. Making to sure he is aboslutely dead by ripping his eyes and heart put.

I sit up, watching the scene as if it was a movie, wondering what will happen now. I rest my head on my hand, focusing on Ace. My serial killer of a mate.

Once hes finished, he walked over to me. I reach out and pat him head, "Good boy."


I had to rewrite chapter because Wattpad cant fix their problems!

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