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The author shakes with excitement as he writes about his new haircut, writing whatever about it. "I have now turn into a gay-" the author was cut off by the voice of logic, confused. "Haven't you always been that" said the voice in a correcting tone. "WITH AWESOME HAIR!?!" I said to the voice of logic before he could tell me how stupidly I wrote it out. The voice of logic then gave a look of understanding, allowing the author to relax. "Oh, well I do apologize, please continue" said the voice, now being quiet and is just observing. "Thank you, anyways like I was saying, I got a new haircut and I really like it so I hope you all like it to. I also will say that I will be updating either tomorrow or monday-" "I believe that is a false claim that you are telling the readers" said the voice logic. "And I will be trying to respond to as many of you as possible-" "You make it sound like your really popular when you are really just someone who was lucky enough to get people to look at what he likes to do" said the voice of logic, making the author feel really bad for sounding like he has it all. "Yes I am just someone who got lucky enough to have people like to look at my writing, but I truly do love all of you who makes it possible for me to have any views on my work at all and I also have to thank you all for helping me feel like people will Care about my work, which has helped me (at least I personally think) at becoming a better person. I am truly grateful" the author finished saying, with emotions flowing through his body. The voice of logic, now only observing, decides to leave the room to not cause any more emotional telling for the author. "I am truly thankful" said the author, finished with his emotional writing


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