Chapter 8: Drunk Kids

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(Picture Drawn By Me)
Craig's POV:
I woke up to the sun beaming in my eyes. Guess we forgot to close the curtains. I saw Tweek, still cuddling with me. He's cute while sleeping. I can smell his messy blonde hair, coffee. Yup, it's Tweek alright. I slowly get up from the bed, trying not to wake up Tweek, but I guess Tweek is a light sleeper. "Morning Tweek." I said smiling at him. His face is so cute when he is tired. Yes you heard me, I said cute, again. You can sue me! "Good m-morning Craig." Tweek said looking at me. "You can sleep more if you want, I was going to make us breakfast." I said. "I'll come, I want coffee anyway and I'm not sleepy." Tweek said getting up from the bed. We both headed downstairs to the kitchen. Tweek made coffee, while I made ya breakfast. We talked while doing this. "Are you exited for the party at 6 today!" I said while cooking. "Oh s-shit, I f-forgot about the p-party. GAH!" Tweek said surprised waiting for the coffee. "You really need coffee Tweek. You keep shuttering." I said laughing a bit. "Y-yeah I r-really d-do." Tweek laughed. We talked even more until we were done making breakfast. I placed my and Tweek's plate down and he placed both of our coffee's down. We both sat down on our chairs and started eating out breakfast. I look at the clock, 1:36 pm. Whoa. I guess we woke up late today. Tweek saw me staring at the clock and looked at it and saw the time too. "W-wow I didn't notice w-e woke u-up late." Tweek said eating his breakfast. "Same, I thought it was 9 or something." I said before drinking my coffee. " Wow Tweek, this coffee his good!" I said before taking another sip of it. "T-thanks." Tweek said smiling. We finished breakfast, which took us 2 hours and 30 minuets because we kept talking. 3:06 pm. "We only have 3 hours and 54 minutes to get ready for the party." I shouted from the bathroom brushing my teeth. "T-time passes b-by fast." Tweek shouted from the bedroom. He was fixing the his bed. I finished brushing my teeth and went to the bedroom and stopped at the door. I saw Tweek shirtless. I felt my face heat up a little. Tweek turned around and saw me. "W-what's wrong—Oh My God your nose is bleeding! I'll go g-get tissues!" Tweek said running downstairs, still shirtless. I touch my nose and it was bleeding. Wait first of all, I DID NOT KNOW TWEEK HAD A LITTLE BOT OF SIX PACKS! Second, I DID NOT KNOW HE IS A LITTLE BUFF! I heard Tweek running upstairs, he came in the room and handed my the tissues. "Here and w-why was your no-nose bleeding?" Tweek asked, STILL SHIRTLESS! "Oh, probably because is too hot here. My nose bleeds when it's too hot, remember." I said. It's true, my nose does bleed when it's too hot, but I'm using that excuse to save my ass right now. "Oh I forgot y-your nose bleeds when it's t-too hot. I'm going to turn off the h-heater down."
Tweek said putting on a random shirt then going to the basement to turn the off heater. I was sad when he put on his shirt. Oh wow, I just realized how gay I am.
Tweek's POV:
I went to the basement to "turn off" the heater. Yes, I know Craig was lying when he said his nose was bleeding because it was "too hot." I'm not dumb, I may look dumb but, that's what I was trying to do. Anyway, I went back upstairs and went to tell Craig I turned off the heater. I went in the room and saw Craig laying on the bed using his phone. "I turned off t-the heater." I said. "Oh ok thanks, now let's see what clothes we are going to were for the party now." Craig said getting up from the bed. I looked at my phone, 4:14 pm. "Oh s-shit we d-do." I said surprised at the time. "Ok let's see what you got." Craig said opening my dresser. We ended up looking for clothes for 1 hour. "I thought y-you would h-help me!" I said shocked at the fact we still have no clothes for the party and it's, 5:23 pm. " I never said I was a clothing designer!" Craig said. "Let's just w-wear what w-we always w-wear." I said. "Yup, great idea" "I always have great ideas." We both put on the clothing we always wear. I find myself staring at Craig while changing but lucky I look away before he caught me. After we were done changing we played on play Xbox for a while until 5:50 pm. I turned off my Xbox and got my things for the party. "Tweek if we both get drunk, I'm just going to say I told you, you were going to get drunk." Craig said smirking and grabbing his things. "Craig, I don't drink." I said. "That's why I said I told you so." Craig said still smirking. "Whatever, I won't anyway." We both headed to my front and went outside. We walked to Token's house since it's pretty close to mines. It toke us 5 minuets to get there, by the time we got there. We can hear music and people. I started to freak out a little. Craig noticed me. "It's ok Tweek I'll be by your side all night." Craig said smiling. I started to feel little better. "Thanks C-Craig, now what a-are we w-waiting for?" I said/asked. We headed to the front door and opened it only to find music blasting to my ears. "Heyyy, you guys came!" Kenny said happily. "Kenny are you drunk?" Craig said. "No what you talk- *yic* talking about?" Kenny said smirking. "Yup you are." Craig said. I looked at my phone, 6:12 pm. It's only 6:12 and people are already drunk...Welcome to South Park guys. Were only 16 and we already drink! Out of nowhere I hear Bebe yell "LETS PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Me and Craig only been here for like 7 minuets and we are already playing spin the bottle. We all gathered in a circle. For some reason it looked like there were about 100 people here but in reality there's only like 15 people. I see Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, Token, Clyde, Bebe, Wendy, Heidi, Jimmy, Timmy, Scott, Douchebag, and Nicole. Plus me and Craig that's only 17 people! "Guess no one wanted to come to your trash party." Cartman said. "Hey shut up Fatass!" Token yelled. "Now, now you two, shut up and let's play spin the bottle! *yic*" The drunk Kenny said. "Here's a bottle." Wendy said as she placed the bottle in the center. "Ok this is how it's going to work. The person who spins the bottle, has to kiss the person who it lands on! Got it!" Bebe said. "But what if-" Butters was cut off by Bebe. "No matter if it's a boy or girl!" "But I'm not-" "Butters just shut up and let's play!" Nicole said. "I'm first!" Said Wendy. She spin the bottle. Everyone watched as it spun. We all waited until it stopped. It stopped on...Cartman?! "Aww, come on now I have to kiss fat-so here." Pouted Wendy. "Hey, I'm not fat I'm big boned! Now come here and give me a kiss to get this over with." Cartman said and bit angry. Wendy went up close to Cartman and placed her lips on his. Cartman kisses back. They ended up kissing for 3 minuets, before stopping. "That was ok, I guess.." Wendy said shocked at her action. "Yeah..." Cartman speechless. Everyone was speechless, even me. "Ok now it's your turn to spin the bottle Cartman." Said Bebe. Cartman picked up the bottled and spun it. We all looked at the bottle. This time it landed on....ME?! "WHAT?!" I shouted. "Shut up and come here spaz." Cartman said smirking. Why was he smirking? I leaned in to his face, Cartman ended up leaning in to place his lips on mine. I kissed back after a few seconds. I stoped after 1 minuets of kissing. I didn't like it. Cartman looked a little disappointed when I stopped. I looked at Craig across of me, he looked mad and he was looking at Cartman with death stare. "Now it's your turn to spin the bottle Tweek." Bebe said smiling. "Yeah yeah, I k-know." I said as I picked up the bottle to spin it. I spun it and watched as it spun in circles. It landed on.....Kyle! "Y-you know what t-to do." I said looking down. "I know." Kyle said leaning in to my face then placing his lips on mine. His lips were softer then Cartman. The kiss turned heated when he putted his tongue in my mouth. We ended up kissing for 5 minuets. We pulled away while saliva traced away from us. He smirked at me. I was shocked on what just happened. Everyone was silent until Bebe broke the silence. "Umm, ok it's your turn Kyle.." Kyle spun the bottle. The game went on and on. Everyone went until the bottle once landed on me again. The person who spun was not other then Craig. My best friend has to kiss me now. I'm pretty happy it landed on me. Craig looked happy too, I can see it in his eyes. I leaned in and placed my lips with his. He kissed back immediately as I placed my lips on his. We stopped before it got heated. I was disappointed when it stopped but we had too before it got weird. I looked at my phone and it was already 8:26 pm. Damn, we played this game for 2 hours. "Ok this is getting boring now, let's get drunk!" Clyde shouted. Everyone stood up and went for drink even me. I don't care anymore, I want my stress to go away any way. After one drink I'm already drunk. That's how you know I never drink beer before. Ever!

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