Chapter Fifteen

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Alpha Lance and Travis were pacing the room, talking about who took Holly. Tears filled my eyes, but none fell. I feel numb, not even listening to what they are saying. Holly was gone, the person I swore I would protect, was hurt because if what I am.
"Bri?" Travis asked quietly. I look up, my vision is blurry through my tears. "We will get her back."
"You don't know that, they could have hurt her, or killed her, or sold her somewhere we will never-"
"Bri, your killing yourself." He whispered. "You look exhausted, lets go upstairs. " he stands up and I fight to get out of his arms.
"No how can I sleep when Holly is gone?"
"Beating yourself up won't solve anything." He whispers. He guides me up to his room and lays down. I sigh, laying next to him.
"If she dies-"
"She won't," he whispers fiercely. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep.

I open my eyes slowly and blink in the harsh light. I feel Travis beside me and I bury my head in his chest.
"What time is it?" I groggily ask.
"Twelve thirty." He whispers. I sit up and look at him with wide eyes.
"Maybe your father has clues as to where Holly is!" I jump out of bed and run downstairs.
"Bria!" He yells running after me. I run downstairs and see Lance and Bryan sitting on the couch.
"Do you know who took her?" I ask frantically.
"We have an idea." Bryan says quietly.
"What?" I almost yell. I feel Travis grab my arm and pull me to his chest.
"We think the hunters took her."
"Which group?" I ask my voice deathly calm.
"Silver Blade," Bryan whisper. I clench my teeth and close my eyes tight.
"They're back, and they found us." I whisper. Th Silver Blade were the group that killed our parents, and they took Holly. I feel my tears start to fall and I collapse against Travis. When someone is taken by the Silver Blade, they rarely come back alive. My parents learned rant horrible lesson, and now so would Holly.

So the people who took Holly is the group that killed their parents. What do you think they will do to her! Comment, vote and check out my other stories!

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