Chapter 7: Butterfly🦋

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   We entered the room giggling together. Everyone stopped talking and looked at us. "So how did you to sleep 💤?" asked Jungkook. I smiled and said we both slept well, but then I blushed a bit. Suga smirked, "looked like you had some fun!" He let out a laugh at his dirty joke. V ran over to him and slapped him as he was crawled up into a ball dying of laughter. I laughed a bit because the way they were fighting. RM tried to stop V from hitting Suga, but he got hit in the face during process. That's when Jin yelled, "STOB IT!!" I started to laugh at everything that was going on.
   After Jin's loud yell, everyone stopped and looked over to him. "Why you ... um... fight? Stob it! No fight! Be nice!" They all got up (Suga,V, and RM), and brushed themselves off. V apologize to Suga and RM. They all sat and V found me in a seat in front of the table.
  We all sat in silence. They started to to tease V on when we slept and walked in together. I blushed and giggled a bit to myself. All of a sudden Jimin stared at me for a second and said, "How was your sleep, 나비 (translation- butterfly. It will be spelled as Nabi.)?" I blushed at the thought that he called me butterfly 🦋. "Ye...yeah. I...I slept fine.😊" He smiled and gave me a thumbs up, and I gave him one back 👍🏼.
  After J-hope and Jungkook heard Jimin call me nabi they exclaimed that it would be my nickname. Everyone agreed on the name and I smiled with a big grin.
   "You are beautiful and mysterious as a butterflyu, so it fit you," V said quietly enough for me to hear. Suga nudged him in the shoulder and he blushed. I made a small smile as I looked down embarrassed. I exchanged him a shy look. Only moving his eyes, he looked up and then hid his face. Again, I shook my head, smiled, then giggled.


After hours of being on the train, it came to a stop. "Ok, everyone we have stopped in Manhattan. I'm so sorry for the delay. Anyway, have a good night 🌙." I rolled my eyes at the thought that he said sorry.
We got off the train and I got on my phone trying to look for the nearest hotel. As Jin snuck up on me he asked, "Why you looking for hotel?" I jumped and said, "OH MY GOSH, JIN!! Don't scare me like that. Anyway, I'm looking for a hotel to stay at." First, he apologized for scaring me. Then, he shook his head and took my phone. "No need. You stay with us. It's like... like.... um... a." I watched him stutter and quickly said, "OH! A roommate." He nodded and grabbed my bag. "Let's go!"

Sorry this was a bit short but I tried to make this chapter good soo🤷🏽‍♀️

Don't hide behind a mask of lies. 🎭

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