02 .

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|| Kharisma ||

I stood holding Konspiracy close to my body as I waited for someone to answer the door .

It was hella late at night .
It swung open and my sister glared down at me .

Karma - " what's going on ? " Her eyebrows furrowed as she grabbed Kacey up .

She had on nothing but a robe .

Me - " Moms did it again , so I came here . "

Karma - " Kharisma she said why didn't you call me ? You took the bus ? Why did you come here ? you can't be here " she stressed looking around .

Me - " Karma , I know . Please " I begged

I know this is an escort house that they sell pussy out of .

My sister don't know , that I know she out here getting pimped and selling her body .

It's crazy .

Karma - " Kharisma she said sternly .. this isn't anywhere to be . "

Me - " Karma mommy did it again . " My face frowned up and I knew that hit a soft spot in her .

Karma normally act nasty towards me .

Ricky- " Karma " I heard and Ricky appeared behind Karma .

Ricky is her ' man '

Ion like his fat ass because I know sometimes he hit my sister .

Ricky - " what are they doing here ? "

Karma - " these my siblings "

She grabbed Kacey up in her arms and opened the door wider for me to come in

Ricky - " They can't be here . "

Karma - " Please just for tonight "

She shut the door and I watched as Ricky eyes never left me .

Karma - " come on "

I followed behind her as I felt him burning a whole into my soul .

I decided against not looking back and asking him what the fuck he looking at and just followed her to a room .

Karma - " I want y'all to stay in here ok ? I'll be right back . "

I slept holding Kacey and Konspiracy close to me .
I don't know where we're going tomorrow , probably back home .


Karma - " Kharisma Getcho ass up " Karma said nastily waking me up .

I opened my eyes and she stood over me in that same fucking robe

Me - "  what time is it ? "

Karma -  " 4 : 16 am come on , I'm finna go and I'm not leaving y'all here . "

Me - " where you finna go ? "

Karma - " mind my fucking business . Come on before I have you walk home . "

I got up and wiped the side of my mouth before waking the other two up .

I'm not in the mood to argue with Karma ass .

We followed after her and left out the house .

We got into one of Ricky cars and I made sure Kacey and spiracy was buckled up .

Karma - " I have to take y'all home . "

Me - " Karma "

Karma - " there's nothing I can do about it Kharisma . You wanna go to the system ? "

I shook my head no quickly . I cannot stomach the thought of me being separated form my siblings

Karma - " Ok then , yo ass just gotta suck it up . "

I just nodded .

Karma " I'm grown , your not . I don't have to fucking be there . "

I just kept quiet .

We pulled up to the house and I got out . I got the kids out and Karma just pulled off .

She didn't even wait to see if we were in the house safely or anything .

I used my key and walked into the house , it was silent .

My mama was gone .

I was happy of her absence but I was worried about her .

I hope wherever she's at , she's safe .
Luckily today was Saturday , I've already missed so much school .

Kacey - " Kharisma "

Me - " Yea "

Kacey - " I'm hungry "

I nodded and made him something to eat .

I tucked them into bed and we laid back down .

|| Dave ||

Me - " Aye get this naked bitch out my face man " I said annoyed as fuck

He looked at me

" this my best lady "

Me - " Nigga I'm not a fucking trick . This bitch can't do shit for me , I want my money . Not saying it again . "

As soon as I said that his ass was escorted out of my office .

Either I get my money or I get a head ?

I don't give a fuck which one I get but I prefer my money .


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