Chapter 13- Drenched

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Erynne's P.O.V.

I woke up laying in bed. Next to me was a plate of eggs and bacon, as well as a note. Looking around at the walls, it took me a minute to remember why I wasn't in my room. My mother had moved me and her down to the underground place where Slendy and everyone lived.

I picked up the note and read.


Slendy and I are out at the moment. We need to take care of some things. We'll be back soon. Jack is there and if necessary. Be back soon.

Love, Mom

P.S. Jack was the one who made you breakfast, not me. He didn't want me to tell you but oh well."

A little winky face drawn on the bottom. My face was entirely red. I turned and quickly ate the breakfast Jack made. Walking out, looking like a tomato, I bumped into the aforementioned clown.

"Hello, Erynne." he greeted in his raspy voice.

"Hi Jack." I smiled.

He smiled back and passed by me, walking down the hall. Before he got out of earshot, I chuckled.

"Thaks for the breakfast, it was yummy."

There was silence, before he turned around and looked at me, his face coated in blush.

"How the fuck did you find that out?" he asked.

"I am smart... And my mom left a note." I giggled.

"Dammit, I told her not to say it." he sighed.

There was silence for a minute as he turned around and looked at me.

"Why didn't you want me to know?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to have to cook for you every morning. I'm a pretty decent cook, aren't I?" he said in a cocky tone.

"Yes, actually, you are. I know it may be annoyance but... I'd love for you to cook for me more often."

More silence as a blush grew on his face. His sharp teeth and ebony lips grew a surprised look. Though, being himself, He shook it off and laughed.

"When I feel like it. If not, deal with Slender Man's stones he passes off as pancakes." he laughed.

"Well that's a shame, because you were pretty good." I smiled.

I expected him to blush again, but instead he just looked down with a small smile and sighed, shaking his head.

Pinkamena emerged from her room, boobs forcing their way out of a black frilly bra, sweat pants dragging on the floor. When she saw me, she grew a sneer.

"Oh look, it's a spineless fool and his master."

"I am not his master! He just protects me. He protected me from Jeff and bullies and he protects me from you!" I snapped.

"Well he should. Because without Jack over here, you wouldn't last three seconds down here. He doesn't just protect you from your little pathetic bullies. He protects you from us. Our blood lust. God knows what would happened if he left for too long."

Fear struck me deep in my core as I started at the pink haired bimbo as she smirked and sneered. Glancing at Jack as he looked away from Pinkamena and I, I realized she might have been right.

"Why don't you want to hurt me, Jack? You have to kill, too." I asked.

"I just don't. I control mine better." he replied smoothly and quickly.

"I mean, there's gotta be some reason. Everyone does, apparently." I said bitterly. Why would he not tell me this? What if one of them got blood thirsty in the middle of the night and crept into my room?! I just now find this out?!

"Erynne, he-"

"Pinkie, say one fucking word, I tell everyone what you did to Skully. You think Masky abd Hoody are gonna be pleased with that?!" he screamed.

I never remembered him yelling like this before. Jack seemed angry. And not in the overprotective way like when someone made fun of me. Like, genuinely angered.

Pinkamena backed off.

"Fine, Jack. Fine. You take her and you go. Just remember I know exactly why you won't hurt her."

I didn't notice it until then, but Jack was clinging to me pretty tightly. He had been holding me in his arms pretty tightly.

"Erynne... Stay away from her, alright? For your old pal Jackie?"

I laughed. It was always funny when he refered to himself as Jackie.

"Okay, Jack. Now can you put me down?" I asked.

Another voice chimed in, cutting like knives.

"Yeah, Jack. I don't know how anyone could carry a whale around all day. Does it strain the back?" asked Jeff. Tears began to fill my eyes.

"Jeff. Fuck off.  You do not want to upset me more than I already am. And the second a tear falls from her eyes, is the second I kick your ass. Every tear that drops from her eyes is a drop of blood that's dripping from you."

Jeff whistled.

"Whoa, we got a badass over here. Yeah if you and Grease Drinker over there could politely move-" I bust out in hysterical tears.

"Jeff, you're gonna regret making her cry. And stop being a bitter prick because you-know-who won't let you into her pants. Understood?"

Jack placed me down, cracked his knuckles, and proceeded to heat the everlasting shit out of Jeff. I stepped outside, not wanting to see it. Sitting on the porch and wiping my tears, I sighed.

My mind raced back to what Pinkamena had said. There was a reason Jack didn't want to hurt me, and I intended to find out what it was.

When he was done, Jack came outside and sat by me, covered in blood. We watched together as the cloudy sky seemed to gather.

"It's gonna rain soon." he sighed.

"Yeah." Melancholy and thoughtfulness tinged my voice.

"You wanna go inside?" he asked.

"No... I want to sit here and get drenched." I added seriously.

"Then we'll sit here and get drenched together."

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