Chapter 16: Seeing In Red

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I had told James everything.

Well, not everything.

Only because for once I didn't know everything.

I begged Lily to join us on a walk to the grounds, but made James swear he wouldn't try anything.

And. . . He didn't.

Remus tagged along with us, not bothering to go back to class. Since Lily and James both had a free period, and I just decided to not go to class, we were all together.

Lily was a bit upset I didn't tell her first, but was happy I actually told someone.

"But, how can that work? You and Sirius?" This caused the boys to snicker.

"I don't know-"

"I think it's because 'opposites attract'?" James said, winking in Lily's direction.

"Shut up, Potter. That's magnets, Lia is not a magnet." Lily rolled her eyes, causing James to smile widely.

Aw. They're cute.

"What do you think I should do, Lils? I think I've l-lost Reg, and now Sirius, and I don't know about Alex. The truth drifts people apart. . ." I sniffled, sitting down against a tree.

The boys joined me, while Lily sat in front of me. "Have you told Dumbledore about any of this?"

"No. But I bet he already knows, I'm telling you, he's pshycic-"

"Well if he doesn't, maybe you should tell him. Maybe he can help?"

Remus nodded with Lily. "And I think I might know how to solve your problem with Alex and Regulus. I'm not sure about Sirius, though."

I sighed, crossing my arms. "How?"

"Just talk to them. You care too much about the both of them, and they could never stay mad at you."

I laughed slightly at that. "Believe me, Moo- Remus. You don't know what those two are capable of."

I almost called him Moony in front of Lily. . . . . Way to go, Olivia! Not.

"Hey," I stood up. "Where's Peter? I honestly expected him to be with you, Remus."

"Oh, he's probably in the kitchens. You know how he is. . ." I nodded, as him and James stood up, who offered his hand to Lily.

She glared at it, before getting up herself and glaring slightly at him. She took my hand, and the boys followed after us.

"He's trying too hard. But. . . It's cute." I squealed silently at this, as I started giggling.

"Oooh, you think it's cu-"

"Stop it, shut it, not a word to anyone, off topic, you have been stopped!" She whisper yelled.

I stopped, as the boys caught up with us.

"I think I'll go now, Lia. Bye, Remus. Potter." When she said 'potter' she did a little salute with her hand, before she left back go the castle.

We glanced at the castle, suddenly seeing students showering out of classes.

"I think class is about over, don't you think?" I nodded at the boys, as we started walking back to the castle.

On our way, we passed Sirius and Peter, and Sirius mouthed something to James. And I couldn't quite make it out.

I didn't really care, and I pulled them along with me.

"James Fleamont Potter, you are such a pervert!" This just caused James to laugh harder, as Remus hid his face in his book.

"That is bloody disgusting! You are. . . dirty minded, Potter! Don't say that! Just. . . Ugh!" He had said something very inappropriate about mine and Sirius' future situation.

And I'm sure I was as red as Lily's hair.

It was just enough time before lunch, and we were walking together again. We had been talking about our problems all this time, and it made me feel better.

"Are you sure you're not related to Peeves by any chance?"

James suddenly gasped, putting on a dramatic expression. "The world-" pause "may never know."

Remus suddenly burst out laughing, leaning on me for support. "You both are complete idiots." I muttered under my breath.

Before I could even blink, Remus suddenly straightened up. He slowly handed me his book, his face blank.

He stepped closer, as I saw what he was staring at. Who was it? Why was he staring? What. . . ?

That's when I got my questions answered.

"Jen. . . Jennifer?"



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