Chapter 17

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up in a bright room that had a few chairs and a machine hooked up to me. Am I at the hospital? Fuck!

I sat up a bit looking around a bit more, trying to identify why I am in the hospital. I couldn't figure out why but my neck was itchy, and I tried to scratch it.

"Owww!" I yelped because I felt a sharp pain in my wrist.

I look down and see bandages covering my wrist. I was a bit confused as to what could of happened but then I remembered everything that happened.

A nurse came into the room and saw me awake. She looked a bit surprised and came closer to me.

"Hello Ms. Niels. How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Good. My wrist hurts but I am good." I reply.

"That's good, except for the wrist thing. I'll call the doctor in and any visitors. Sit tight." She says and walks out of the room.

I waited for about 2 minutes before Brandon bursted into the room. His face was red and puffy as if he was crying. He came up to me and jumped into my lap. Yes, he literally flopped onto the bed and tackled me down. He held me tight and just whimpered.

"B, are you okay?" I ask while running my fingers through his hair.

He looked up at me and kissed me. I kissed back. Brandon's lips were soft and warm. He put one hand on my waist and the other held my face. We were so busy with eating each other's faces off that we didn't hear the door open.

"Oh, I'm sorry." A guy said.

Brandon and I pulled away and looked towards the door to see the doctor leaving.

"Oh wait!" I yelled out before he completely left.

He turned around and saw that we were both done, so he walked in again and stood next to my bed. Brandon got off of me and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Hello Ms. Niels and Mr.- Arreaga? Is that correct?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Brandon clarified.

"Okay. Ms. Niels, you are free to go, you just need to be watched over for a week. And take these antibiotics twice a day. Be careful with your bandages. If you take a shower, you can take it off but re-wrap it afterwards." The doctor said.

I nod and he walks out. I get dressed in clothes that Brandon brought me. I was finally done changing and we left the hospital.

We got to the car and Brandon turned it on. We drove in silence all the way to my house. We got out of the car and walked inside. The boys weren't there which was good, because I didn't need the extra company and questions. I went upstairs and flopped down on my bed. Brandon trailed behind and he laid next to me.

"Jazz." Brandon said softly.

"Yes?" I said.

"I know this might be late, but will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

I turn to him and kiss his lips.

"Of course, B." I say.

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