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I got up at 3:00 a.m to clean up the house before I start packing up , the boys said they will be here by 4:00 exact so I had to hurry , I quickly vacuumed and dusted , I wasn't going to be home in a few days so when I come back I don't want everything to be a mess

Tilor says I got OCD but no I just want leave everything neat and tidy , I took a shower and dressed in my jean shorts and tank top , apparently even in winter this place where we're headed is hot

I can't recall the name

I pulled out my clothes from the cupboard and I looked over at the gift bags bunny gave me , I sighed , he gave up on me , he got bored otherwise he would have came last night

I shook my head to stop all irritating thoughts as I opened some of the gift bags which had really nice tops and that beautiful bunny pendant tilor and I saw the first time 

I hesitantly put it on around My neck and admired how it sparkled under the dim light of my room , thank god we're leaving early so bunny can't find out

I'm sure he's sleeping

But what she didn't know was that Bunny wasn't sleeping ... He was there , always there , he stood like a gloomy shadow in the corner of her room where it was darkest , his hands fisted in anger as angry veins pretruded from his arms

How dare she disobey me. ..
How dare she test my patience ...

Its okay though , I love a cat and mouse game , he gritted his teeth in anger as he only saw red

Murderous eyes pierced her form and he knew his going to have to teach this girl a good lesson

He watched her look through his gift bags and put on the beautiful necklace he got her , she almost looked sad as she tried it on .. No ... I'm hallucinating

On a normal day he would feel soft for her .... But for now .... All he knew was someone was going to die tonight ...

And with that .. As her back was towards him he stealthily exited her home through the window

I turned to gather my perfumes as I felt a gust of wind hit my back , I turned around to see my window wide open and the curtains being blown from side to side

As it flew up and went down , he stood there , his hands to his sides , fisted but as the curtain flew up and down again

He was gone

She rubbed her eyes "I'm dreaming ..." She shook her head thinking it's only her imagination


she heard Jin's car hooter coming from downstairs and she ran to close the window before looking around one like time with a satisfied look and leaving

                   ~ 14 hours later ~

We arrived the beautiful villa at 8:00 a.m this morning , we went out for breakfast and when we got back we unpacked and we all passed out at about 11:00 a.m and we only got up around 16:30 p.m

*the Villa , I didn't want it to be too fancy , more realistic :)*

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*the Villa , I didn't want it to be too fancy , more realistic :)*

"Let's go swim later!" J-hope pressed his face against the glass door making misty marks against it like a little child
"Yeah, babe you have to hold me though !" Tilor cried holding onto tae's sleeve tightly "Don't worry babe I brought you floaties" and Tilor clapped her hands "Yeyyy!!!"

" you still can't swim?" Yoongi gave her a disgusted look "Hey! I can't swim either ! Theres nothing wrong with that !" I threw a pillow at him as he flashed me his cute gummy smile

"I love the smellll~~" Jin sung out as he smelt a bunch of flowers in a vase by the fridge "im sad I have to sleep on the coach though!" J-hope pouted

There were only four rooms available , Jimin and yoongi share one , jin and Namjoon share one and Taehyung and Tilor share one

And I get My own !!! Yessssss , I know if Tilor just shared a room with me it would have been better because J-hope could share with Tae but Tilor insisted she wanted to share a room with her boyfriend "sorry hobi" I pouted and he smiled "its fine !! " he shook his whole body again

I loved the guy ! He was so ... So .. Hopeful

"The beds here are comfy" Yoongi yawned and Jimin smirked at him "yes they are !" Jimin started to play with Yoongi's hair making the older fall asleep instantly

Jimin's stomach started to growl and Yoongi's eyes opened "You hungry?" , the mochi pouted knowing Yoongi will spoil him "me too!" Taehyung rubbed at his stomach

As if it triggered a whole chain , all the boys suddenly felt hungry "let's buy food and bring it here" Jin grabbed his car keys and the boys agreed "girls ? Are you coming along for a drive ?" Taehyung turns to face us and we shook our heads , "girl time" we said in unison and we giggled

Tae kissed Tilor on the forehead and walked away "wah I'm so envious" I pouted and scooted towards her

"Why?" She frowned as she grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me outside with her to the pool area

The atmosphere was humid but it smelt nice , like when its just about to rain but there were no clouds out

Psychotic BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now